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  • how to implement new weapons etc

    when visiting the command tent, the player can press the up or down key and select 'weapon blocks' for use. the weapon blocks can then be placed in a number of configurations to equip the desired weapon. here are links to the configurations i have in mind:



    note that i have a different idea about the machine gun now. it should be deployed instantly when the block configuration is set up

    the only idea i can see seriously getting out of hand is the mortar configuration so it should have a limited range, disallowing campers at the command tent to stock up on grenades and immediately feed them into the mortar

    i'm not so keen on the radar idea either because it seems a little ahead of its time and makes it harder to sneak into a base. i had an extra panel left over and an obvious weapon block configuration though

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh fuck yes, barbed wire and radio towers would be fun as hell.

    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe instead of displaying a big W on each side, it can be a black spade just to keep with the theme

    Posted 13 years ago

    You'd have people crowding around the tent if they had to build it there- why not just give them 4 weapon blocks when they pass through the tent, and then they can assemble them whenever they like in the field?

    Generally sounds pretty good, but a few notes:

    *the radar towers would be useless against above ground soldiers- they'd see it and shoot it apart at the edge of their vision. Does it work on tunnelers? if so it might wreck tunneling altogether, and if not then it is even more bypassable. Also if you place one underground can it still detect above ground troops? People would exploit that by burying heaps around their intel and nobody would ever be able to get the intel ever again. All in all they'd unbalance the game.

    *the way the barbed wire works sounds pretty good, but needing 3 grenades to blow one block is insane- expecially with the small block kill radius and bounciness of the grenades. Like real wire, a single grenade should wipe it out, and since the grenades can't blow a hole 4 blocks wide, some would always still remain anyway.

    *It's a bit cruel not letting the enemy be able to see landmines at all. Most of the time players are too preoccupied with the distance to notice mines that are clear as day in front of them. You should reward players for being careful by having them visible.

    We need some more details on how you'd aim the mortar, too.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think snipers might be cheap especially in a full server it would become very annoying.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Personally, I don't see why people are wishing to lots of extra 'building weapons' into the game.
    Don't you find that you can be killed easily enough already?
    These proposed changes would also change gameplay rather dramatically, and it's pretty good at the moment.

    For me, the rifle is already enough of a sniper - I would not increase its range at all, and I would give it a small projectile trajectory rather than perfect straight line.
    I would support adding a few more chooseable weapons in (upon spawning) to fill your weapon inventory spot, as this would just increase the variance in tactics rather than drastically changing the game.
    (all my ideas here: http://www.aceofspadeswiki.com/index.php?title=User:TheGrandmaster#Weapons)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Whatabout this: You spawn with the normal rifle, but from the tent you can pick up another weapon. You can only carry one weapon at same time, but maybe a small firearm also. Wouldn't it be balanced and good?

    Posted 13 years ago
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