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  • SUGGESTION: Sprites!

    AOS engine could support sprites (in GIF and APNG formats) like in Skulltag Doom/Zdoom engine. It would allow to add cool stuff to maps, like plants, small rocks, spiders, fire, balloons, lamps and whatnot. Graphics files maybe should be limited in size/ammount of colors/something so they don't eat up all the traffic and map files don't become fucking huge.

    For the good of client side modding - I'm thinking that the game could have an option to use animated sprites for weapons/tools. At least this is somehow possible with weapon scopes now, but ability to replace weapon model with multiple sprites for player's 'local' viewpoint and APNG (animated PNG) & GIF support for them would be nice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Aren't these what you get when you import .kv6 with U in VOXED?

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    Aren't these what you get when you import .kv6 with U in VOXED?

    This is correct, but I am fairly certain that they don't stay on the map when it is played.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    bamp? bamp?

    Was it too long to proofread or something?

    Oh well, it got someone to post and put the thread up the top so... profit?

    Posted 13 years ago

    why are you getting so upset over this? :c jeez... i want to see maybe a few more opinions on this before this thread sinks somewhere in between 968 other discussions

    Posted 13 years ago

    if ben could do it and keep the files smallish, then id totaly be all for it

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    You're talking sprites like they have in minecraft for like mushrooms and small plants? I'd be down of it, as long as some animals also make it into the game :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    Doesn't this stuff work only with polygon engines?

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    @drury "AOS engine could support sprites (in GIF and APNG formats)"

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Spartan094 Yes I am. Here is a typical example of ZDoom engine:
    Player's weapon, torches, enemies and their dead corpses, weapon & armor pickups, trees e.t.c. are sprites. They are just images projected directly at player from different distances. Some of them are animated and have different images when viewed from different angles. Map itself is a sector based pseudo-3D space with different ceiling and floor heights. In ZDoom/Skulltag they use a very small ammount of resources. There are no polygon models in that game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Drury, the game already uses sprites, for everything
    or maybe Im blind

    Posted 13 years ago

    dear naka
    3d models != sprites
    textures on 3d models != sprites
    (i think. but what do i know)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just for information (offtopic): ZDoom doesn't support animated sprites directly as GIF/APNG files, it supports static GIF/PNG frames and each frame and it's delay has to be registered in mod's configuration.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh, I thought you mean something like shrooms in Minecraft.


    But now I see you meant it more like dropped items.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Drury Hmm.. those are different kind, but their only difference seems to be that they are projected in different directions, not just at player like in ZDoom. Doom engine sprites basically constantly stare at you. Stuff like round barrels might look akward with these crossed Minecraft planes, but these mushrooms do look nice. Fuck it, lets have both (or of course none at all if developer doesn't want it)!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hehe... Bamp

    Posted 13 years ago
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