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  • Change size map

    I know that map generator is so fresh, but I wondered if I could easily generate a random map which I decided the size ?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm currently working on a windows WYSIWYG editor for the maps and from my understanding the maps are (currently) always 512x512x64.

    I think they're too big! The spawn area is also huge.

    However as I understand it, you do not spawn in the water (i.e. the lowest layer of the map) so you could make small islands which control the spawn area a bit, and leave the far edges of the map as water. This would concentrate activity in the centre - the bridge war maps are great for this as about 30% of the map is water, and about 60% is just flat it means that there is always action in the centre which rocks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    your not supposed to spawn in water, but in my experience, if there's only a small amount of land in the spawn zone, you'll spawn in water, same for tents and intel

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok, thanks for answers, i'll try to let enough land to spawn on :-)

    Posted 13 years ago
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