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  • HOWTO host server from debian/linux

    Just thought I should share this with you.

    You have to know some basics about linux, if you don't you really should not have root access to a public server ;)

    What you need:
    - Root access to a debian server

    1. Install Ace Of Spades on your computer
    2. Create a new user on your debian machine (type: adduser ace)
    3. Upload the files from your computer to the server
    4. Install wine, screen and xvfb (type: aptitute update && aptitude install wine screen xvfb)
    5. Run the server
    type: screen xvfb wine server.exe
    It takes a moment until anything happens on my machine, so maybe you too have to wait for a minute or two until you can enter the servername etc

    You might want to take a look at the screen man page, but the important two things you have to know:
    press "ctrl+a" and then "d" to detach the current console in the background, the AoS server will keep running, even when you close your SSH session.
    To resume enter "screen -r"

    I am not 100% sure but the master server IPs seem to be: (possibly just used to lookup the external IP) (possibly just used to lookup the external IP)

    the only ports needed by the server appear to be
    udp spt:32887
    tcp spt:57726

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey puddy if this is verified as working could you post this as test data at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=12965 please?

    This way more people will see your guide and be able to benefit from it (and more servers will be up)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Couple of extra points from my hosted Linux setup;

    You don't need xvfb - I'm running it without.

    Only port I needed to open was inbound udp on 32887 (but then I allow all outbound traffic, maybe 57726 was outbound?).

    If you want your server to autorestart then do a generic looping restart bash script and use 'expect' to fill in num players, server name, etc. automatically.

    One extra; if you want to IP ban hackers/griefers then look here: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=92

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea you are right, the TCP connection is outbound, I just wanted to add it for people who got problems..
    Such a script would be nice, maybe I'll hack one together when I am at home..
    Some dude created a wiki btw
    I don't think its official

    Posted 13 years ago
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