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  • Large issues with the game.

    Since I cannot find a place to post my 'bugs' I am having I'll just post them here.

    I have lately been taking damage randomly even when no players or enemies are around, also if I press the windows key, and then open up spades again. I'll lose like 50+ health and then if I do it again, I'll die. And randomly on the field, I'll just take random damage every minute or so... then just die and it clearly saying that I killed myself when obviously I didn't and no enemies have my name.

    This is a very irritating problem for me it's basically prevented me from playing all together. I first noticed this issue directly after trying to host a server. I never experienced this problem until I did all the steps for hosting a server, but I had little success due to the fact I was portforwarding incorrectly or canyouseeme.org could not reconize the port for AoS being openned. When I was testing on the server I hosted (that was not portforwarded correctly) I experienced this problem there as well.

    This has been going on for me for a few days now, just never took the time to make a post about it. I still cannot play spades with this problem and I would really like to. Maybe somebody has some sort of fix for this?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think you have taken two separate issues here and turned them into something akin to a question.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I take damage every time I lag, is that what you're talking about?

    Posted 13 years ago

    No idea, all I know is I take damage randomly, and if pressing the windows key makes me lag or something then I guess so.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Sounds similar to my problem. Every few minutes my computer will lag and I'll take a huge amount of damage, or if I'm on something that's only a few layers, I'll fall through it.

    Opening and closing Ace of Spades would definitely cause a tiny bit of lag.

    I dunno man, hopefully these bugs get fixed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Having the same problem. I go to check skype during a game, then when I come back, I take 20 damage and hear the "oof!" of the player. Bug?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I've never been totally positive of this but I was under the impression that the "lag damage" was an anti-cheating 'feature'.

    Posted 13 years ago
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