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  • Zak's suggestions.

    I've got plenty, but I'll just bunch 'em all up here.


    --Map Types--
    Winter: Flat, snowy areas with pine trees, and a blinding ever-changing wind.

    Volcano: Black hill grounds, a reddish fog, and lethal lavaflow, with a giant volcano in the middle.

    Jungle: Flatlands, surrounded by plenty of swamps and trees.


    --Game Types--
    Survival: Both teams have a limited amount of lives, and must eliminate the enemy forces. When out of lives, players cannot respawn and must make do with what they have left. Last team standing wins.


    --Weapon Types--
    Stun grenade: Just messes up the person's movement and vision for a brief period of time. Tiny damage (talking 1-3 HP) at best if right near it.

    Pistol: 8 in the gun, 72 max for the reserve. Good accuracy, but not too damaging, a last resort.

    Shotgun: 5 in the gun, 35 max for the reserve. Incredible at close range, and a show-stopper for 1 on 1's. Powerful, but very slow, with bad range.

    SMG: 32 in the gun, 192 max for the reserve. A great suppression weapon, and good at close range. Fast to reload, but not very accurate, and not very damaging.

    Rocket Launcher: 1 in the gun, 5 max for the reserve. Incredibly destructive, great for damaging structures. Slower than the shotgun, and much less ammo, however.

    Grenade Launcher: 6 in the gun, 12 max for the reserve. Fires long-range grenades at a nice pace, but not great at damaging structures. Good for crowd control from an armored distance! Reloading is as bad as the Rocket Launcher, however, so plan accordingly.

    Medical Tool: 1 in the gun (tool), 9 max for the reserve. You can heal your teammates with this. Just walk up to them and use the tool, to give them a quick 25 HP boost. Great for squads!


    Enemy drops: It'd be nice to recieve a small pack of ammo or a medkit of sorts from enemy bodies.


    If I have anything else, I'll be sure to post. :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    Enemy drops: It'd be nice to recieve a small pack of ammo or a medkit of sorts from enemy bodies."


    Posted 13 years ago

    I'll add one more:

    Battle shield: When equipped, can absord damage from the front. Player is still vulnurable from sides and behind and cannot use other items while shield is out.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make a conquest mode and not just CTF/intelligence mode.

    Would be more interesting constructions holding points then.

    Posted 13 years ago
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