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  • Autoclimb: Too jittery, makes people harder to shoot & detracts from immersion.
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    It's fine if people aren't easy to hit but it should be for a good reason and not because of awkward game mechanics. Which also look bad and feel bad.

    I know the feature was just added and all, but just sayin'.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Feel bad? It's only a teeny bit awkward climbing up over high blocks, but otherwise, it's fantastic. Much easier on the hands than spamming spacebar 24/7.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i second the above posters post.

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    Seriously? You're worrying about that? I think we've got a worse situation, there's fucking TEAMKILLS now?

    Posted 13 years ago

    i think there needs to be a way to toggle it, it does not fit the rest of the game at all. and is way too clunky

    Posted 13 years ago

    Some people find this update, good. I highly dislike this update, auto climb should be reverted and completely forgotten, I've spoken with some fellow game members and we've came to a conclusion that it is by far... stupid. Auto climb is a horrible feature, I personally would love to go back to how it was before this patch. (excluding the bug fixes of course)

    I'm fairly sure some other members have mentioned valid ways of getting rid of grieving, team killing hardly stops them anyways! It just causes more problems for non-griefers. I personally still support the idea where the map owner can 'lock' the map from further destruction, so people can actually enjoy THE GAME.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree, autoclimb should be removed for various reasons which have already been stated.

    The "anti-"griefing measures just lead to teamkillers, which can be votekicked equally or more hard. It should be replaced with proper yes/no votekicking, as in many other multiplayer games.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Dynasty is correct, teamkilling is also bad. Forgot about that.

    Now, instead of troublemakers griefing structures, they can just kill their own teammates. Problem not solved.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wait wait wait wait. Don't get rid of autoclimb. It's why I finally started playing.

    Instead, just give the player a gradual rise rate when they encounter a step that raises them one block vertically as fast as they can move horizontally. No more jitter, and it won't get behind and leave people to plow into the floor.

    Dozens of other games have stairs in them that people can climb fine without having to hop up every single one. We shouldn't give up just yet.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "Clunky, Awkward, Jittery" are the only things that have been said about why Autoclimb should be removed. This is a beta, and things are all subject to change. Why eliminate a feature that makes gameplay less tedious?

    Now, while it's nice to be able to climb a hill without being at a huge disadvantage, the feature should probably be tweaked (NOT REMOVED) a bit -- you can get a speed boost if you climb enough blocks consecutively.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I did not imply that it should be removed, but improved. You don't need to remind me that this is a beta. But users voicing their complaints is all part of the process.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think there should be a way to toggle the mode, like Prioch said. The same sort of concept that applies to free-running games (brink's SMART for a recent example) could be used here where in order to use auto-climb there should be some sort of disadvantage in terms of aim. Perhaps add some sway if the player is using the auto-climb feature.
    That said, the extra jump height feels awkward when combined with the auto-climb :s. I end up just spamming space and forward until I eventually jump off the top of the hill. I think the previous jump height would work a lot better with the climbing.

    Posted 13 years ago


    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    You'd be at a severe disadvantage if you were autoclimbing up anywhere, since the extra sway would make it harder to get a shot at your opponent. Stopping isn't an option either, since it'd be easy to get headshot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    As said in other topic(s) about this:
    Slow the process down by nearly 2x, make the transition smooth and slightly longer.

    This would remove the current demonstration of quantum mechanics :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    this shit is fucking horrible and it's killing the fun

    0.47 was way better than this

    i wish i had no penis
    Posted 13 years ago


    So I'd be better off not using it?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I prefer the old way of doing things. It increased adrenaline since you needed perfect timing and skill to maximise jumping efficiency, looked realistic (jump + crouch is how people normally get up higher blocks) and separated the noobs from the more experienced players. Now everyones on par and you can build under yourself because of the insanely high jumps you make. Not to mention that making bunkers is totally different, one cant outline it and walk into it because you just walk over the one-block high walls. Why do things have to change to suit the complaining tards who blame deaths on their own inability to press the spacebar? Games are way too easy nowadays...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Adrenaline release in the body comes from high stress and extremely exhilarating situations, so unless you're playing AoS in an actual warzone, you won't get anything out of climbing stairs.

    Autoclimb was added because people complained about how bothersome it was to climb blocks all the time (Playing this game for hours would lead you to RSI very, very quickly). It's fair to say stair climbing was never supposed to involve skill, since the dev addressed a common complaint from players.

    *At most*, it should be optional, and the autoclimb rate should be slightly decreased. Games are too easy, you say? The majority of players have trouble getting hits of any sort in AoS.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Autoclimb is stupid.

    You don't like the slow climbing up 1-high blocks? Make roads.

    Lazy fucks...

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's assuming that everyone has the time to make a road or to tunnel through to locations for easy access. Assuming everyone has time for serious, strategic gaming is asinine, and wishing others would man up does shit to change the fact that climbing is a tedious concept that autoclimbing has attempted to address.

    o ye and RSI lolz

    Posted 13 years ago

    What that other guy said.

    Make it so you rise before moving forward at a block instead of just blinking to the top of it.

    Red Bucket
    Posted 13 years ago

    >toggle the mode
    Only this. Should be a key to do this in game. Thought about it yesterday.
    Fuck everything else. If you can't shoot someone - your problem. We will only end up with broken spacebars.
    Same for ctrl button.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It doesn't take that long to make a road. Just dig forward until the wall in front of you is 4 high, then take off the top two blocks. Fort builders take much longer than road builders do with their forts.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Man, game was fine without autoclimb.

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    Man, game is fine with autoclimb.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate auto-climb, but have not had a problem with Tkrs really.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think auto-climb should be some sort of the sprint feature, with a stamina bar that has a block grade - how many you can climb until exhaustion. I'd go with 15.

    Auto-climbing while walking uses stamina only at a third of the speed compared to running.

    You can't autoclimb when crouching, like now.
    Jumping uses a single block of stamina, but you can still jump even if it is empty.

    Think older Battlefield games (2, 2142).

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think its great, and should be smoothed out a little. Without, the maps seem too large and sore-thumb'ing to travel across

    Posted 13 years ago
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