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    New Ace of Spades Forums: http://buildandshoot.com/
  • New Ace of Spades Wiki - Could use some help & requests!
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    very nice! add how to make a great shelter in under 25 blocks :D
    and maby some numbers that tell how much the bullets are when you it them in the foot, head, chest ect.


    Posted 13 years ago

    I added the Steam Group to resources in hopes that we can all get together, the admins can inform about updates, and hopefully the dev can come in and answer questions in chat.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You may have already seen my improved server list the other post, so I'll just offer my help for any other matters regarding web you may need. And accepting sugestions to improve the site.

    iammorthor.com owner
    Posted 13 years ago

    Including images to show basic structure designs would be nice. Something that I find to be a very effective type of structure is to get behind a well traveled path of the enemy, and dig into the side of a hill. I cover my entrance with "grass" blocks so it looks untouched.

    Then I dig out a little window from inside and use "grass" blocks to hide my location. I put blocks above the window to cover any brown on the map, as well as inside behind where I'm standing. If a player looks in my direction when I'm crouching out of sight, all they see is a grassy hill side at a passing inspection. If a player passes over the spot, it's extremely rare that they look behind them anyways.

    I run out of ammo all the time while popping heads.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The Wiki is growing. Perhaps check out the community portal. May be handy to communicate with the entire wiki community. I have also posted two (soon three) things there that may be a bit important.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have written a draft of rules. Perhaps the owner of the wiki can make a special page for the rules that shows up in the left part of all pages?

    1. Watch your spelling and grammar!
    2. Make the text as formal as possible.
    3. Don’t add things like “I’ll finish it later” or “I am not sure about this”, etc.. Add these in the talk page instead.
    4. 'Minor edit' and 'summary' field. Use them. Preview button too.

    1. No personal insults.
    2. No blue/green bias.
    3. Listen to admins. They are probably right. But if they are acting irrational, report it.
    4. Don’t start edit wars. Discuss instead.

    1. Pages go in categories.
    2. Use sub-categories if necessary.
    3. When you encounter a redundant page, redirect it to a page where most of it’s info can go to, and incorporate the redundant page as a paragraph.
    4. Use paragraphs, don’t write unnecessarily long pieces of text.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Accidental double post, content deleted.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have currently over 1k people using my improved server list at http://iammorthor.com/aos
    It could be a valuable resource for the Wiki.

    iammorthor.com owner
    Posted 13 years ago

    Although I'm not sure what morthor means by "valuable resource" (why does the wiki need to know what servers are up???) but it inspired me to make a Server Browsers page

    If someone could write instructions on how to get the game running on Mac, that would be awesome. I would but I really don't know anything about it and, alas, don't have a mac to try it on

    Posted 13 years ago

    Agreed. I think Sofa's solution is the best one to listing servers, because servers come and go, but these browsers are dynamic, so we don't have to edit too much :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I didn't mean to display the servers there, I meant to have a link to it there.

    If you want to work together on making a good looking server browser just say something.

    And btw I have seen some possibilities on running on Mac on some forums, I have one of them on my site.

    iammorthor.com owner
    Posted 13 years ago

    Would like to see more info regarding the physics of the game, as that'd be highly useful.

    Posted 13 years ago
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