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  • Clans

    So I know the game is only version .26, but it has obviously got a huge player base considering it's age. And it's growing fast - between 22 and 26 the average number of servers has multiplied dramatically.

    Now, despite the fact that some features such as password-protected servers would make this more plausible, I'm already thinking about starting a clan. It would be awesome to get some games with more team coordination. Eventually there could be tournaments but for now it would be mostly just the communication aspect, forming a group to play with, discussing strategy, etc.

    Perhaps the new wiki could be used for clan pages? Would be nice to have a central place so players can see all clans.

    Well I don't know if anyone would really be into this right away but whatever! Here's my draft of the first AoS clan charter:

    ======= [BLOK] ========

    ===Clan Rules:===

    1. Thou Shalt be Chill toward thy Neighbor

    You would think this goes without saying, but you should be nice to your clan mates AS WELL as people on your team and enemy team who are not in the clan. I don't mean shouting nonsense against the other team, that's all in good fun. I mean no actual flaming, spamming, griefing, obviously no cheating or being a general dick. This also means being able to discuss plans civilly, without assuming that your idea is the best one.

    2. Thou Shalt bring thy A-Game

    If you want to wander around making silly bright structures, that's cool. But why are you joining a clan? I'm a casual player, but I like to at least put a little effort and strategy into the game.

    That's it! Two rules huh? Good enough. Mainly I'm looking for some people who share an interest in the strategy of AoS. I like to make functional constructions, and with a team working together the buildings can get really sweet.

    So, anyone down?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hmm...maybe not...I'll have to try and recruit people in-game :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Clans are BS.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Clans will not work until a proper clan system is added.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Au contraire, Green. Clans worked great in Quake, Team Fortress, Threewave CTF, Team Fortress Classic, Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, etc. without a "proper" clan system. :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    "Worked great"

    Promoted elitist faggotry more like. Clan systems ruin communities.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Elitist faggotry is unavoidable whether clans exist or not. Furthermore, it's the issue of elitist faggots creating clans for the purpose of being assholes that you are talking about. The mere existence of clans doesn't make that happen. (That's like saying because guns exist, we have gun crime)

    That's why I aim to create a clan of players who just want to have fun / socialize

    @Green: I don't think that's necessary. It might be nice to prevent people from pretending to be in the clan, but I'm not too worried about that, it's a minor annoyance. The only thing that would be necessary for clan games is password protected servers. Other than that, we could still join a server and play together.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, when you consider that every "clan player" I have seen in game never ever communicates with the rest of the team, yeah, I think it does ruin the community.

    If you are so desperate for clans, why not at least wait until the game is more stable and better able to support clans of any sort without them being detrimental tot he rest of the team?

    Posted 13 years ago

    When people don't communicate with their team it ruins the community? You must really hate this game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, about the extent of communication I've received is when someone says "nice road, thanks" or "nice shot." Sometimes people will say "enemies near intel!" if they're not carebearing too much.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Are you guys playing entierly different games or something? usually we get penty of talk about what we're doing, what enemies are doing, idea for strategies, organising attacks etc.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm playing Ace of Spades, where the only communication is "blue rules, green is bad" or "green rules, blue is bad". I guess there's occasionally an armchair commander?

    Posted 13 years ago

    that's what my experience has been, whereas I will let my team know when I'm under fire or when the intel is being attacked, but usually when I cry for help nobody listens and since I'm on blue we get our intel captured mad times :D

    I'm not desperate for clans, I was just seeing if anyone would be interested. It's not like this is some kind of commitment, it's basically a "beta" clan the same way the game is in beta stage

    Posted 13 years ago

    Today some friends and I will be adding a tag to the front of our names. u mad?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lokiamis: Yes, that's the way this game works. There are only two clans: Selfish, campy and derpy blue scum and defensive, intlectual green, master race.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Drury, you are not helping, and you are not right.

    Posted 13 years ago


    I would like to join your clan and thinks it's a great idea. Am looking forward to clan battles and the such. Maybe a dedicated server where 2 clans meet at scheduled times so they can play long games and create bigger projects?

    I don't think there is an pm system yet, but e-mail me at [email protected]

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just play with some friends, honestly.
    And most of the time, randoms on teams want to coordinate. Sure, you have some douchebags, but easy votekick is easy.

    Posted 13 years ago
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