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  • Guys, just get over it. Griefing exists.

    You'll never be able to stop griefing. Sorry for copypasta from another thread, but:

    "Accept the fact that as long as you are given a game where you can build and create things, [as well as destroy] there are going to be griefers. Period. I [perhaps] think it should be a little easier to teamkill because seldom does it ever come in handy for actually killing a griefer, but other than that there isn't that much you can do without installing preposterously unbalanced rules into the game."

    AoS gives you the ability to pull blocks out of thin air and delete them nearly as quickly. There is just literally no way in hell that you are going to be able to stop every person who wants to detach a structure from it's foundation thus making it tumble to the ground. The best thing you can do is learn to communicate better, and TAKE THE TIME TO VOTEKICK when you see it in the chat log. As a matter of fact, the only other mod to the game I can think of that would make this easier, is to just make the command "/kick name/id" or "/k name/id" because I keep mistyping "/votekick name/id".

    Posted 13 years ago

    We could do it easier, if there would be a kick button next to the name of every player on the scorescreen. No typing, no missing, just one easy click. Hm, and maybe a counter after the button, that shows the votes.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Custos: might be a tad overkill like that, a button next to each name

    @Sasquatch: I agree that griefing will always exist, sine we will always have people in this world that want to ruin other's fun. The only way to fully remove griefing is to set intense limitations for everyone, which would also ruin the fun of the game.

    I have also come to the conclusion that teamkilling probably isn't the best solution, since servers still get abused by those not seen for a while for example.

    I agree most with the votekick. bcool has said that he is looking to create a votekicking UI sometime, and I would suggest something along these lines:
    http://dardar.de/bilder/images/votekickdr.png (just a quick mockup).

    The votekick would be initiated by '/votekick ID <reason>' and would cause the little box to popup asking people to vote by pressing f12 or f11. One vote at any given moment, if the target percentage is reached then the box is removed and the player kicked, or if the target is not reached within a minute, a chat message appears saying 'votekick for <name> failed", at which point the next votekick may be initiated.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @TheGrandmaster good idea but some people might fail to type it so why won't there be a menu pooping out when you press esc that you can vote to kick player to to exit the game???

    Posted 13 years ago

    If someone really wants to kick someone, they will learn how to type '/votekick' and look up the ID of the player..
    Also, beyond the initiation it would be merely a case of F11/F12.

    My thought of initiating it via command is to merely save time. The creation of an entire menu GUI would take longer than doing these alterations and having the box appear, but it would be good to see that in the future.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How about giving the admin the power to ban IP addresses? That would certainly help.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Been suggested a number of times and I agree. It has been implemented unofficially in pyspades, but I hope the official server will get a makeover at some point to include such commands and features..

    Posted 13 years ago

    You know, griefers aren't a facet of reality, just a couple of bored kids playing on a crappy computer who can't grief Minecraft. Ignore them or kick them and they'll go away.

    Posted 13 years ago

    As long as people can build, people can destroy.

    Some people will choose to build. Some people will choose to destroy. It's just natural.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well don't get me wrong it is natural, although there are plenty of other structures in the game to greif. why take the time to go to some ones structure and destroy it just to piss them off. when they know that person probably worked a long time going back and forth from the tent to his structure to finish it.... all im saying is greifers if you want to greif something build it yourself and then greif it -_-

    Posted 13 years ago

    Can you stop reviving old topics? Check the post date of the OP before you post. Jesus.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    dont be a fucking necro

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    ifwe had servers which allow you to not place blocks
    there is no griefing at all

    Posted 13 years ago
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