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  • Custom Map: Desert Airfield (Not Made By Me)

    For starters: I DID NOT MAKE THIS, I simply found it. Credit goes to whoever actually did. I have no clue who did, so that's as much as I can say - though if I find out, I'll modify this post to list the creator. (Sadly, not even the person I found hosting the map knew who it originated from.)

    I ran into this on the server list and was extremely impressed. It was in perfect condition and rather complete, far as I can tell. So I made a save of it and, seeing that I can't find any actual download of it anywhere online, I figured I'd share it myself... Sorry in advance if this violates some sort of rule (if my post needs to be deleted, oh well) - it's just a really cool map and I wanted others to know about it.

    Basically it's a desert map, with a really nice looking canyon and river circling it. Cacti are abundant, and the middle of the map holds an airstrip and some very neat spherical buildings. 3-story buildings with multiple balconies cover the map as well, providing for some great outposts.

    Here's some screenies...


    ...and the download as well.


    Enjoy, I hope. ^^

    Posted 13 years ago

    it's mesa by Triplefox:


    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh...how the heck did I miss that? Oh, I see - it wasn't in the Maps & Mods category. Somebody should move Triple's thread to there. x3

    Um, I guess this thread can be deleted by mods or something. Thanks for the forward, izzy!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Mesa's thread predates the creation of "Maps and Mods," that's why it's hard to find. :)

    Posted 13 years ago
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