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  • Reverse support!

    I don't need support- instead, I'm here to offer it, so I figured this was the appropriate forum. I'm not sure if you'll ever read this, mysterious developer of Ace of Spades, but if you need donations, I'd strongly recommend using adf.ly. What you do with it is copy your mediafire download link, post it into a text form on adf.ly, click a single button, copy the new link, and replace the old mediafire link with your new adf.ly one.

    Every time someone clicks on that new link, they'll view an EXTREMELY short, five second ad, then be redirected to the mediafire download link. You'll make a fraction of a penny- an average of 1/5th of a penny- with each click. Now, this may not sound like much, but considering how popular your game's become, I think you could EASILY make $100+ or even $200+ a month from that revenue alone when I'm averaging about $40 from unrelated things, myself. As for how it'll affect the players: Really, it won't. Five seconds of their time isn't anything to whine about. It's five. Seconds. For god's sake.

    Anywho. Hope that helps you with any financial issues you might be having with developing this game and all. Thanks for making such a wonderful thing and sharing it with the public.

    Posted 13 years ago

    what about the people who use adblock plus?

    Posted 13 years ago
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