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  • Weapon ideas and damage

    I think there should be a shotgun, specificly a trenchgun from ww 2
    Does 50 damage up close and takes 1 second to pump. from far it should do 15 damage.
    Pistol: does 10 damage and fires fast. 1 second reload

    . a mp40, does 5 damage, fires fast and reloads in 3 seconds.

    sword: can be used when fighting in tunnels, 75 damage, range 3 blocks

    Time bomb: can be placed and explodes in 10 seconds, does as much damage as a grenade exept explodes alot of blocks.
    crossbow: arrows do 50 damage and can be taken from a body by walking over
    smoke grenade: darker than fog and slowly smokes the area, useful for invading enemy forts.
    med kit: heals 50 health
    Melee with rifle or any weapon: has a half a second recharge, hits the opponent and kills in 3 hits
    shield: colored as player and absorbs shots breaks after 200 damage is inflicted, slowly breaks when shot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There are the following ideas:

    1. Revolver
    150% of the speed of a standard rifle
    6 rounds in the cage, 24 with a
    25 dmg 75 dmg in the body in the head, a small spread

    2. What is a short-range weapons:
    For example a knife or bayonet knife to the rifle
    60 dmg body, 180 dmg head

    Posted 13 years ago

    >ww 2
    Hadn't ve have enough of this shit? I want modern weapons.
    Trenchgun looks cool tho.

    SPAS 12
    MP 7 (5)

    Posted 13 years ago

    yep i like the trenchgun idea too, fits the atmosphere of trench war fighting

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    All my ideas have been here:

    Rifle, shotgun, dual pistols, automatic.. my details of them are only a rough guide. Really weapons would need pre-release testing..

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well considering the fact that we are beta testers...

    Posted 13 years ago

    lee enfiel from ww1,maxim machine gun(ww1),sten(ww1) and mp18(ww1)

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think that we don't need another primary weapon. Sidearm would be fine.

    >sword: can be used when fighting in tunnels, 75 damage, range 3 blocks

    No swords. Shovel or fixed bayonet. 30 dmg, 2 blocks.

    >Time bomb: can be placed and explodes in 10 seconds, does as much damage as a grenade exept explodes alot of blocks.

    Yeah, satchel charges are a must.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i forgot scoped lee enfield, kar98 and scoped kar98

    also some brodies and stalhelms would be cool (not american its ww1)

    Also what if we had classes

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Why have the complex names?
    Many people would not know off-hand what a 'lee-enfield' is like or a 'kar98'..

    Just keep it simple in my opinion - rifle, shotgun, automatic.. these titles suit the simplicity of the game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i agree with TheGrandmaster.

    Posted 13 years ago
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