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  • Fun game, but game is ruined

    The game overall is fun, but atm there are to much griefers/hackers to enjoy.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    There are hackers?

    I haven't seen any yet.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, there are, though a lot less since the votekick was implimented.

    Team switching to grief on the other hand? That's still rampant. Mid game swithing really needs to be removed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Removing mid game team switch is an unreasonable solution, for several reasons that have probably been mentioned. I don't want to sacrifice the ability to switch teams at will just to get rid of team switch griefers.

    I mentioned in the Suggestions site that teams should be able to "kickban" players from their own team. For server-spanning votes (eg regular votekick), you (probably?) need half of the players on the server to vote in order to get rid of a griefer, which usually implies that the enemy team has to vote as well. With team specific votes like teamkick, you would only need half of your own team to vote in favor.

    This would mean that if your team elects to kick out a player, they would only be able to play on the other team (unless the other team votekicks them, too). I don't know if there need be a separate "teamkick" vote function for this.

    This means that either team won't need as many votes to get rid of griefers from their own side.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There needs to be a game system implemented.

    Posted 13 years ago
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