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  • The Ace of the Spades (Fan-fiction)

    NOTE: I've been getting some good responses so I'll be making more.

    During the early stages of the war, a Green Republic man, Laurence Wilkins, lost everything, his home, his job, even his family, all he had was a pack of playing cards, but only one card wasn't burnt, an Ace of Spades. He joined the Green Army to get revenge on the Green Army. Throughout his training, he was silent, but trained harder then anybody, he kept his card in his belt at all times. He kept it to remember the people and things he lost. When training was over, Wilkins was shipped out with the rank of Private First Class. Although he didn't get to see much action for his first days, but the Blues invaded, Wilkins was told to retreat, but he stayed and fought, he didn't hesitated to kill. Then a grenade blew up next to him, he want down. He was weak, as he barely kept his eyes open, he looked to his right, to see the Ace of Spades next to him, he reached out, grabbed it, and put it on his chest and excepted his fate, as he took what he thought was his final breath, a medic grabbed him and took him to safety. After the battle, he was promoted to Sergeant. He fought in many battles after this, with the Ace of Spades tucked into his helmet, with it, he was never shot or injured again. Some of the soldiers that served with him called him invincible with that card. He fought until the end of the war, with the rank of General. He took his revenge and started again.

    Posted 13 years ago
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