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  • A couple of ideas

    The Hiding the intel problem (which is super cool!)
    Currently it's possible to "hide" the intel by building new fake intel icons and I think that is a brilliant "feature" because it's "not designed" but a behaviour we, the players, have invented. However it becomes really difficult to spot the real intel when there are 20+ intel signs on the map. The map grid of course facilitate easier team communication about where the intel is but still I think the game could use a mechanic that helps detect if a map icon is fake. And this would be:

    Orbital Laser.
    The laser is operated from the base tent. To aim and fire you use the map. You use blocks you've "harvested" as ammo. The laser destroys the blocks it hits. This way it can be used to shoot at the fake map icons. Additionally it can be used to dig out larger areas but of course it is not accurate. When fired it should shoot a thin white line from above to tell that its charging and then expand the beam. It can of course move while its fireing so it can plow the landscape.

    Reporting in enemies.
    A button for reporting in enemies when you are aiming at them would be a really good mechanic. It will help communicating where the enemy is so you can call out their position for a period of time. This of course combines very well with the orbital laser (or other artillery) Imagine being chased by an orbital laser...

    Remote controlled C4 charges
    This has probably been suggested before, but a game with destructable terrain really really begs for remote controlled charges. The can be used for offense, defense and for construction.

    ...and a zombie mode would be cool, I still haven't seen a game with the same barricade building potential as Ace of Spades.

    Posted 13 years ago

    an orbital laser? ummm... no. would make killing enemies when intel is capped EASY. enemy there? bzzzz... BOOM
    bzzz... BOOM...

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd stick with mortars and artillery.

    That Guy
    Posted 13 years ago

    Orbital lasers would be overpowered. You would be able to kill and grief anyone and anything from anywhere. Whats even worse is you could "harvest" blocks from the tent.

    Enemy reporting would be useless because if you aim at them you should kill them and if you are killed you can report them while you respawn.

    C4 is griefer heaven.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Orbital lasers. What the fuck are you smoking?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just adding more guns is obvious and will happen sooner or later. The strength of this game is its blocks that is why I play it.

    The idea is that the laser is a precise weapon with an impact of 1 block - not an area. Think of it as a remote controlled pick axe and not a nuke from orbit (that would not make sense)

    @ ryan: In general I think that scapping designs because it can be used by griefers is the wrong order of doing things. All the tools the player has can be used for griefing. Reporting enemies sould not require a precise aim but for the not so skilled player he will be able to serve as a spotter.

    @Veedd: nothing. I quit a year ago

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    i agree a zombie mode...ill play it...ill rape that play button!

    Posted 13 years ago

    a zombie mode is a retarded idea,

    go back to playin' CAWADOOTY.

    Posted 13 years ago

    One word. Pokemon.

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    Good Idea

    Fits the theme perfectly.

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago
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