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  • [Tutorial] Create your own map
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    Posted 13 years ago

    a video tutorial i made of the basics

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    What the hell how old are you alex?

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Lol. He sounds adorable :3

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Bullshit. Without the Insert key, this editor is completely useless.
    Also, alex, if your vid had sounds, you are fucking screwed, because my computer cannot drop out a single sound, except for a beep and some sort of sound that i just KEEP forgetting (IT KEEPS HAPENING)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Gosh darn you ken!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Alex your voice is awesome, you should sing.

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    i love teh love :3
    also, would anybody wanna see some real in-depth tutorials on every feature of the editor?

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    SLAB6 Slice Editor. It is your friend. Learn to love it.

    In a nutshell...

    1. Load your object into Slab6.
    2. Hit enter to activate slice editor. Three axis-view windows and a color pallet should appear.
    3. Use left click to move those windows around. /* zooms in and out. Page Up/Page Dn to change slice. RMB to select color under cursor. Space bar to add pixels to slice. Hit enter to get out of the slice editor. These key commands only work while cursor is within the Slice Edit view.

    This is how I did most of the editing of my battleship model. For example, here: http://oi51.tinypic.com/2j3mr2g.jpg

    Posted 13 years ago

    im now uploading a tutorial of where i explain the quick primer so you know how your map comes out ingame. but its a 2 hour upload >.<

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Since this seems the appropriate place to add this, how do I add SLAB6 objects to my maps? When I use the kv6 format the objects aren't added when saved, and the other two formats fill in all hollow space with blocks, which is worth too much effort if I import a building.

    Also how can I color the water without coloring each individual voxel?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Save as KVX format, either with poly2vox or slab6. KV6 is for sprites and don't save when you add them to the map. I'm not sure what you mean about hollow spaces being filled. You may have to check the slab6 help file. My objects are usually hollow unless I hit a certain key in slab6 that fills hollows, can't recall which one atm.

    As for coloring the water... what I do is use bildramer's bitmap converters and make a zero height map and it converts whatever you input as a flat map or a heightmap. It can be found elsewhere on the forum. Or you can hit V and it will spray a texture map onto whatever you are looking at. There may be other methods.

    Posted 13 years ago

    my video just increased too a 2 day upload length O.o
    also, if you import a kv6 file into VOXED, you need to make its size in slab6 twice the size u want it too be in VOXED(there is a double dimensions button), and then place a block after u import the kv6 file, but remember to do that, otherwise it wont transfer the kv6 file to a the map correctly(this is hard to explain, ill explain it better when i make the video that involves details on how to import stuff)

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    guess it was just utube being a bitch, so heres the link to the video explaining how ur map will come out ingame

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Another question: for some reason, when I save my map in the voxed editor, I can open it just fine in the editor, but when I tried to upload it to mediafire it couldn't find the file! I also can only see it when i'm opening it via voxed. Any ideas? It shows up as a file with a lock next to it when it's opened.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I solved it by changing the type to "all files".

    Posted 13 years ago

    @alexthecreeper, what you say about the kv6 models having a block added... what i read about it being a sprite model and needing a placeholder... now that makes sense... i'll have to try that out.

    The rest of what you are saying... about doubling size etc etc... makes no sense. You guys seem to have Voxed, slab6, ace of spades, mediafire and youtube all mixed up together in what you're trying to say. I'm sure it was something quite enlightening, though. ;-)

    Posted 13 years ago

    when u transfer a kv6 file into voxed, its size is halved, so to counter this, you need to double its size in slab6 so it comes out right size in VOXED

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    when u import kv6 you can resize model by Numpad+ or Numpad-
    place model on gound by NumPadEnter and press Insert - model fully imported in Voxed.
    KVX file not allowed to resized after import.

    Posted 13 years ago

    anybody know a good editing sofware? that free?
    cause i accidently made a 15 minute and 45 second video :<
    and i dont want to just cut it out, cause i feel its worth keeping all the footage.
    so suggestions are appreciated

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Speed it up 2x?

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    i literally have NO editing software, nothing at ALL

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Windows movie maker perhaps? Search for it, it's installed by default on all windows.

    P.S. Is there any way to make lighting effects show up on a server? Like if I wanted to dim the map and then create a light source using ctrl, is it possible to have the server represent that? (it canceled my effects on my test server)

    Posted 13 years ago

    You do know that YouTube has a built-in video editor don't you? Not sure how effective it is but it does exist. http://www.youtube.com/editor

    Posted 13 years ago

    it does, but the editor is only for brightening, making stuff have more contrast, and adding sound. ill look into movie editor, but for some reason i couldn't find it earlier, which is why i asked :o

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually it has a video trim feature which should let you fully edit and remix a video. But suit yourself.

    And as for Windows Movie Maker, it is now called Windows LIVE Movie Maker. It's not included with most builds of Vista. You can still download Movie Maker 2.6 though, which should work too. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=d6ba5972-328e-4df7-8f9d-068fc0f80cfc

    Posted 13 years ago

    well i found wmm on my cpu so i edited it, and now its up on youtube :3
    if anybodys got a better name for the video, id appreciate knowing it :3

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok, how do you change the color of the water fast in 1 press or hotkey?
    X is taking to long, and making spheres and deleting them does work but not fast, i saw alex change water in 1 hit. In his voxed tutorial 1 video, so how?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think Alex doesn't sound childish. Nice guide.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I was wondering how he did that too, dutcher95. Probably the numpad color palette control '-' & '+'. In my experience lately, if you cycle through the different color palettes too quickly voxed may or may not crash.

    Posted 13 years ago
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