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  • Ace of Spades Game Forums » Modding/Tools
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  • My first playerdead.kv6 mod

    Well I was fooling around on a program called ''Slab6'' and found myself making a gruesome dead person. I began to use it and saw how much I liked how the brains were splattered on the floor with a mixture of blood and how the bones kind of showed up and how much I detailed the torso open where you can kind of see some of the stomach (I forgot the pancreas gallbladder and the liver). Since I liked this mod so much I wanted to post it onto this fourm so I can share my mods to the world.... Well now im going to make a new mod for a uniform and maybe even a gun mod.

    Link to the mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?qt5rm7pkd2i7ner

    To download the mod: 1. Go to the ace of spades file
    2. Go to the kv6 file
    3. Delete your playerdead.kv6
    4. Replace it with your new playerdead.kv6

    Posted 13 years ago

    do you hav a picture of it????????????????

    Posted 13 years ago

    Picture of the mod http://s1024.photobucket.com/albums/y310/Staor/?action=view&current=EndproductofthedeadbodyonAoS.png

    Posted 13 years ago

    Bump :O

    Posted 13 years ago
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