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  • AoS loosing players?
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    I see there are less servers, and people play mainly on aloha us west servers. Is AoS loosing fans?

    Posted 13 years ago

    There are many casual players tired of the obscure default voting system, which makes kicking griefers, teamkillers, hackers and racists almost impossible. We need it to be more user friendly.

    It would be nice too if we had to register in order to play.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would love to see users having to register :) makes it easier to see whose who, and you could also have a 3-5 character space infront of your name for a clan tag!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't mind having to register either, but don't kid yourself that forcing people to sign up is more 'user friendly' in any way shape or form.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I said that about the voting system. Registering is a barrier, a very light one, but it's something.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Capture intel is small interesting.

    Custom map allowed more intellectually gameplay. Like attack or defend, capture city, hills, bridge.



    Posted 13 years ago

    Intel? What's that? :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah it is, because its a total wild-west out there and griefers and general poor conduct are ruining the game. I also think that the long, long, long time between map resets is adding to the general shit aura around the game sometimes as it feels abandoned and frankly a free for all.

    Need more mechanisms for player self governance (i.e. decent *-votong with in your face style f1 for yes, f2 for no, f3 for abstain for all sorts of things such as kick/map change/reste) and more administration on servers.

    Perhaps more focused game modes and smaller maps will help too

    Posted 13 years ago

    "I wouldn't mind having to register either, but don't kid yourself that forcing people to sign up is more 'user friendly' in any way shape or form."

    they already were forced to download something, registering an email and choosing a username is nothing at that point

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it should be included in the vanilla the ability to see the server chat from the console to make moderation/administration easier to do. :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    All your ideas about registering and stuff all... pointless... , There are griefers , no matter what , there are teamkillers , no matter what.

    My idea... is having division , of levels

    Now , not the levels of RPG that you will have spells and all that stuff , i am not that retarded as RPG lovers are, but something like :

    Only people your same level or higher will be able to modify your blocks , that means delete them or add blocks adjacent at a block you placed.

    Obviusly , griefers as being noobs will stay in low levels while experienced players will be high level players , that willl make griefers having to go up to a certain level to destroy your building.

    And , who the hell will play hours and hours to achieve a level ONLY to grief?

    No one is that retarded !

    So , Level division is a good idea.

    an idea to level up is like every 10 - 20 points you level up

    and your level will appear

    ( level )name

    Example :

    (24) Leosanims

    Its just an idea , probably you will troll me , probably you wont... but if you take a minute to think about it... my idea is way better than having to register... i mean , you have to register , then what? registering will not stop you from griefing , i mean seriously ? thats your best idea?

    Posted 13 years ago

    , we need ip BANS, and also, your level idea wont work leo, cause though it would stop the griefer, it would severely handicap the other player enjoying the game, due to the fact they wouldn't be able to destroy half the blocks on the map, and there are also PLAYERS who actually play the game, then grief, so not only would they be able to spam blocks others couldn't destroy, they'd be able to destroy everybody else blocks too.

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Level division is a good idea, but if you do happen to find a high leveled player who does troll once in a while, they can ruin the map.

    Imagine a higher leveled person boxing you in, or a person putting blocks all around your bunker, it just wouldn't work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Funny commentaries i should say... , alexthecreeper , i find it funny because almost no one cares about building , also , it will only stop you to destroy or place blocks adjacent to higher player... So , why would you place a block on anothers person construction?

    Maps are big , some of them are small but that is because they are more about combat ( yes i am talking those with preloaded buildings and stuff ) , but in servers that has a big place for building you wont have to place stuff on other guy stuff..

    Dynasty , you have a good point , everyone trolls , but i dont think that an experienced player , or atleast a player that has more than 6 years would not start placing stuff only to botter other player...

    And about IP bans , its a great idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The whole point of registering is so that accounts can be banned, so if a player does grief we have a proper record of who it is. One email per account will also cut down on account spamming, as would ip banning of a user who trolls even after banning or they make a second account. Accounts would work.

    Yes, of course, people could make lots of emails and spam then troll and grief, but to be perfectly honest not that many people are that hardcore to do so, you get one, maybe 2, chance(s) and then thats it, IP ban, and they are dealt with.

    I have to say ranks making it possible to destroy blocks is genuinely stupid. One of the most attracting things about AoS is the fact that it needs only a small amount of processing power and is very simple to play. If you add in complicated systems that make the game bigger and more of a demanding program to run you will completely change what one of the games most fundamental aspects is: 'your grandmas rig could run this game'. Hardcore trolls will find easy enough ways to level up, kill some people and cap a couple of intels and bam there able to grief everyones structures. On top of that it puts junior and or new players at one hell of a disadvantage, with them being un able to build or destroy the buildings/terrain around them.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How come nobody cares about building? I usally build 4 or 5 cubes tall walls with holes in them to save my self from being shot. Sometimes roof gets added. Then while defending the area, my teammates can come closer to the enemy territory.

    Also i like buidling blocks on other guy blocks. For example if it is 2 blocks tall wall, maybe even one. And if you want to get quick cover you need to build on other guy stuff.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I love building :3

    Posted 13 years ago

    I love building too... which is why griefers are a big problem to me. Nothing annoys me like spending fifteen minutes of my time building a fort in an important part of the map only to have someone come along and totally destroy it in one. Teamkilling does cut this back a bit... if someone takes a spade to my stuff, I can put an end to the grief with a well-placed shot, and hopefully get them votekicked before they can get back to me. However, the other kind of griefers are still a threat: block-spammers. In general spams are a little easier to clean up after than total destruction, but it's still quite annoying. Plus, once my forts and bunkers work well enough that I no longer have any targets in view, and I start advancing, my work is all unprotected and vulnerable to griefers.

    Teamkilling is a nice temporary griefing solution, but long-term I don't think it will work. For now, the ability to shoot griefers is worth the risk of getting killed by a troll to me, but it's still a bit inelegant, and doesn't fully solve the problem. Votekicks are a nice feature that should probably stay in the game indefinitely, and the administrator commands are also a good feature, but we'll definitely need to keep refining things to cut back griefers to a more managable level.

    The ultimate measure of how good the anti-grief measures are working is how long a map can last and still be fun before it needs a reset. If we can ever get to the point that Bridge Wars can last all day and all night and still be Bridge Wars rather than Unbridged Chasm Wars, I think we'll have achieved success.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The aloha west servers seem to always be running custom maps which as far as I can tell are just designed to throw people at each other so that all the game is about is shooting each other and not about playing for the intel (maps like hallway, pinpoint, faceoff, crossfire).

    And most of the time I just see those kind of maps and bridgewars with significant numbers of players (and Urban Harbor, but that still gets griefed pretty fast even with serverbot). Bridge Wars is presumably more "shoot at each other" than "get the intel", I haven't played much on it ungriefed, but at least Unbridged Chasm wars I find to have more varied gameplay.

    Anyway, I don't know if these maps are popular because that's all the current player base wants to do (shoot each other in the face), or if it's because of griefing on other maps, or what, but I'm personally much less interested in playing on those maps than the original map, so I haven't been playing AoS much lately except for Urban Harbor.

    Maybe map resets and anti-grief will change it, we'll see.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know if these maps are popular because that's all the current player base wants to do (shoot each other in the face), or if it's because of griefing on other maps, or what

    They are popular because they are small and there is an obvious place to go. Big open maps are boring for many because you end up wandering around on your own for long periods, usually to get sniped from out of nowhere. Small ones where half the map is water focuses the attention.

    This is why bridge wars was so popular, and why maps like faceoff and pinpoint are popular now too. Lots of action, quickly, and everyone knows where its going to happen.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Port battlefield 2 into voxel form and I can forsee a lot of people joining :))))))

    Posted 13 years ago

    Holy fuck that idea is retarded! Seriously, how can you even think for a second that it is a good idea?

    A simple message that pops up saying "A votekick has been initiated against Deuce4 press f11 to vote YES f12 to vote NO" will keep griefers away much better than any "hurr durr certain players cant destroy blocks" idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    LOL dude, your the only one to actually say it out loud :P, i was being a little bit nice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Or, get a white list, make the servers minecraft like and bam, still griefers.... mhm where was I going with this... oh yes, not every suggestion is perfect but spaceman you don't have to be a dick about it. I would like to see you suggest an idea that gets rid of griefers and see how much trolls find your thread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I made a suggestion in my post. No need to clog up the forum for yet ANOTHER suggestion thread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    AOS is losing players because people are too fucking stupid to take 2 seconds to quickly type /votekick #
    This game needs a better kicking system, that should be a priority

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Agreed.

    Apparently, typing "/votekick [ID]" is an exceedingly difficult task and only the most elite members of the community are able to use it correctly.


    On a more serious note, griefers will always win because it takes too damn long to kick them.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Something that could make registration simple is that a user enters a nickname they want to use and a password they want to use in config.ini. Servers (or maybe the main server!) save both the username and password and link them to create a unique entity. Then, every 50 points or so could could be saved as a level with that player's name. Players with higher levels could have more power in voting or teamkilling. Maybe it would just be a status symbol. If there could be a complex enough hash, the player's points could even be saved on their computer, and then he could go on to carry that information with him on a flash drive or something.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Spaceman I'll try to figure out what you meant after I watch Saturday Night Live, but if I can't understand it still then I'll sleep on it, maybe wait a week or too. And read over it and say "Wtf does this mean?!"

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was just playing a game with my 10 year old. After I found it difficult to place blocks in the world I asked if there was some kind of trick to it. After asking I was promptly insulted by two team members using language I don't want my 10 yo exposed to. I know he really wants to play the game but until there's a language filter or a way to set up your own server--he's not playing it. If he wants to play CTF I can set up a QuakeII server that provides cooler maps and I can control the content there.

    If there was a way to set up a private server/password protected server I could have him play with his friends. Blocky violence is fine. Poor sportsmanship can be left at the door. I would also like more than flat-shaded blocks.

    Problems I encountered:
    - falling through the ground, I ended up on the bottom of the level like 3-4 times
    - no way to remap keys
    - difficult to tell who was who at long distances (I think I accidentally shot teammates a couple times because of this)
    - not sure what INTEL looks like on the map

    Posted 13 years ago
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