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  • Tactics discussion general

    I think we need a general tactics discussion thread. I see lots of people are forgetting to use the advantages of this game. Few people build walls for cover when they see enemies coming, they rather strafejump, and die. Some forget to mend their walls in important places, and are surprised to be overwhelmed by the enemy. And some build bunkers and covers whithout questioning its usefulness, and waste lots of time with them. Lets change this.

    So here is the point of the thread:
    - discuss the tactics that are unique to this game (what, where, and when to build), even the most basic ones
    - the tactics, that are considered good by the majority, could be collected and put in the wiki, so new players can read and learn from it

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'll start:

    I ALWAYS build covers for myself everywhere. I never strafejump and boldly run around. Instead, i build a little cover (2x2 or 2x3), hide, look around, and if everything is clear, go forward some, and build again. I move slower by this, but i die a lot less often, and get more kills when someone comes at me not using this method (not building a cover for themselves). And i found it good against enemy snipers too.
    I find 2 high walls the most effective. They are quick to build and you are 100% protected if you crouch, but you can stand up and look around without anything blocking your sight.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like to either hide in the shadows of hills and wait, or dig a hole, cover it and listen for footsteps to come and go (and pray they don't look down and see me).

    Coming in through the extreme north or south of a map is also effective at times.

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Jumping when you see an enemy is the worst fucking thing ever, it doesn't make it harder to shoot, and also I just hate everything that reminds me of Halo because Halo is the worst game series ever to be made.

    When I see an enemy I usually just line up my reticle to their head and strafe and shoot, it works pretty well 80% of the time.
    I only usually build at places where there are more than one or two enemies.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like building sniper nests along hillsides or in bushes where you wouldn't expect them to be.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    on servers like pinpoint or bridge wars you can make a huge wall so all your tteamates move up when the advance you make more walls and you can keep advancing

    Posted 13 years ago


    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    When I play, I usually just run straight down the middle and get a feel for the map. If it's been running for a while, the more frequently-traveled areas tend to have more tunnels near them... if they don't, you can always dig some.

    Not really a tactic, per se, but shift-walking or control-crouching can make a player essentially silent. Along with that, if a player walks around with his rifle out, enemies will see it poking out, and the player will be more tempted to use it, revealing his position. On the other hand, grenades have a much slimmer profile, and, in the case of emergency, can be used as a means of suicide.

    There's nothing wrong with committing suicide, especially if you're low on ammunition, blocks, or health! It's usually faster to charge into enemy camp and hopefully take out a few bastards than it is to tunnel back to your base or whatever. If working on an intel tower and you're near your base, I like to just jump off a high point and then work on it with my block count fully replenished.

    oh yeah there's also spawncamping, but that's seriously so cheap that it shouldn't be fucking mentioned in the first place

    Posted 13 years ago


    Hey, thanks, i was searching for a thread like that! Guess what, typing "tactics" in the search bar doesn't find it.
    OK lets sink this thread and i'll bump up the other.

    Posted 13 years ago
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