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  • The glory of psyspades

    So, I joined OSU Gaming Server (or whatever it's called)
    run by the almighty psyspades,

    and it is the biggest shitstorm I have ever seen in my life.

    This wonderful achievement of technology and hard-work to make a game more like minecraft would never had been possible without these extra "griefer-prevention" features, employed and ran by the very griefer patrol guys you see in every server.

    #1- I can kill whoever the hell I want at anytime anywhere no matter the circumstances (the person doesn't have to destroy a block for me to headshot them). This feature is one that I can never see being power abused or anything, nor by power-hungry griefer patrol or griefers! What could possibly go wrong?

    #2 Admin: Hey guys let's make a specific block indestructible, how about the black one
    Later: http://i53.tinypic.com/bein93.png
    (you can also see the teamkilling going on here)
    (you can also see the intel just chillin up there)

    This image is just a little bit of what is on the server. It's everywhere. Not to mention random blocks on the map itself are indestructible for no reason. GG ihavenoideawhatimsupposedtodoanymoreinthisgamewhatsthepurpose.jpg
    I'm not complaining just for this server, but every last one that has indestructible blocks; it kinda destroys the whole point of the game. Can't destroy enemy base because random blocks are indestructible, nor can you ever get to intel

    #3: Power abusing kids etc
    Not just admins, someone threatened to votekick someone just for saying no to their kick they initiated. Before that, random admin joins, revokes some kids votekick (backstory: He was evaluating my buildings and teamkilling me since they weren't the best; go play MC if you're gonna have spawntraps and evaluate), leaves

    Can't think of anything else right now

    But the overall summary here is that psyspades is a wonderful server administration thing that makes the game much more enjoyable, much LESS like minecraft, makes the game fair, and prevents power abuse!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I know what you mean. Team killing is a big problem but they(team killers) tend to get kicked quickly. The indestructible blocks work if a lot of thought has gone into what blocks are indestructible. Like just the bridge in bridge wars. Not being able to tunnel or make new sniping positions is a pain.
    Haven't seen any power abuse. All arguments were worked out in chat on the servers I was on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey, thats my testing server I left up over night. There are no admins! So everyone is just a player. Sorry if there was any hackers on who ruined the game for you. I didn't expect to get 20+ players on the server after I left it running when I went to bed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The problem is being fixed.
    He had a version of that map with metadata that denoted any black blocks to be indestructible. It's a small error that is easily fixable.
    As for the killing, that's the teamkilling setup, and can be enabled/disabled from ingame. Some find it good, some bad, so it's just personal choice and the choice of the admin.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I've restarted the server so there are no indestructible blocks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    pyspades works fine. I've put in the indestructable black block stuff for testing (it can be edited in the map metadata), and that should obviously be removed in trunk.

    Nice rant though ;)

    pyspades developer
    Posted 13 years ago

    @mat, no it doesnt work fine there are blatant sync issues. I for one have been assigned a slot that already had a player assigned to it on pyspades. And there are sync issues with your floating block detection. There are possibilities that two different clients will have different maps if they if join at separate times.

    And all the stupid cheats that were killing the community a month ago are back in pyspades as new features.

    What is worse is new players cant tell pyspades servers from the real one's unless it is in the server name. So when they get on and they see other player walking through blocks, to them it is a bug with the official game. And then they quit and never come back

    Posted 13 years ago

    uh huh. ive been playing psyspades for a week or two and have yet to encounter any of the problems youve been experiencing. it works fine

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago
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