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  • Disgraceful behaviour on server
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    I would just like to warn, and show up, those people who were hating on pbat on the aloha uswest hallway server. It was genuinely appalling and you should be ashamed. Racism, trolling, hate and general abuse was dealt out to pbat. I personally, along with quite a few others realised that it was the real pbat but i find the people who were not prepared to believe to be complete...
    *i decided not to finish that due to the excessive quantity of swearing*

    But you see my point? if people are so utterly disrespectful and hatting on a youtuber who could give AoS a boost in terms of player numbers then you are putting a massive nail in the coffin of AoS. If youtubers wont want to play due to trolls and haters how can we expect people to come and play the game in the first place.

    /pissed off

    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks nico its me i put my name as minecraftvg to do cause its my minecraft profile and thanks alot for your support

    Posted 13 years ago

    any time bro ;)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Don't hate on pba, you haters! Mad jaleous haters! pba the AoS community loves you and needs you.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    tl;dr: OP is mad.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks devas means alot

    Posted 13 years ago

    on the subject of how awesome you are ;) when will you put up a video of AoS?

    Posted 13 years ago

    oh my god nico. there are so many fakes playing as PBATVG. I could go to config and change it now. what about that other freetard on the server. if so many people was not so ignorant and new how to kick people on the sever no problems would occur.
    THE point is that we need to spread word of this game. we are being invaded by trolls and what can we do?
    I know what you mean but AoS is in a hell of things. what can we do?

    Posted 13 years ago

    The thing is, of course, how in the name of hell can you be sure that it really WAS pbat? Exactly. Unless you know FOR SURE that it was indeed pbat, and you can back it up, then why should we believe you? Like LancerG2 said, I could go into my config file right now, and change my name to PBATVG, or SeaNanners, or Hutch, etc. I understand that real videos from the real pbat will boost the popularity of the game, but right now, and unless I see an AoS video on his page, I will continue to "hate" on every Pbat I see.

    See, if I came onto a server and said, "I'm sooo horny for you", would you really think that I'm a girl? No, of course not (unless you're really gullible or are just a dumbass)! So why should we think that that was the real pbat? Same thing, really.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I say nothing. I dont want to argue.

    Posted 13 years ago

    op is a faggot

    Posted 13 years ago

    watch out....someone might hurt your feelings on the internet, oh no we cant have that.

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    im not in for an argument nico. but its obvoius hes not PAPERBAT. his AoS video was in beta 28-29?
    and im not calling you stupid but who cares about the fakes. he might be some 40yr old lardo.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And he might be the real deal, and due to all of the bulshit hate he has gotten give the game a bad rep...

    Its no harm to be nice to people, it can work wonders in your favour.

    Posted 13 years ago

    where are all my fucks?

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    Not here, I can't find any of mine either.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago


    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks Kaeda, maybe we will find them in another thread

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    this "boost" in player numbers could result in more moralfags like you though,

    and we wouldn't want that now...

    Posted 13 years ago

    ya'll im the real deal dont beleive me send me a sniper scope and ill use it in my next AOS vid k and im not a 40 year old lardo im a 18 yearold canadian niga nah nah jk's jk's but yea and nico your the best man and i love u[no homo] hahaha and if anyone knows how to make a server plz tell me i wanna make a sserver for the champs and champets thx


    Posted 13 years ago

    You know what? It pissed me off that you guys were all circlejerking "minecraftVG". We were in the middle of the game and you completely stopped playing to chat with this fake internet celebrity. Yeah, we understand that you guys like Minecraft, but do I have to keep saying it? ACE OF SPADES. IS NOT. MINECRAFT.

    The reason why I was swearing and "flaming" was because you guys were being fucking morons for no reason. Posts like these, Nico, don't show much for the average 12 year old / youtuber/ etc.

    Why is there a thread this long about "someone said bad words in a video game"? I mean, if it really were MinecraftVG, he'd just crop the video to crop out swearing.

    Troll: Someone that pretends to be someone else for attention (Like minecraftVG)
    Flamer: Someone that gets angry

    Learn the difference, and stop making shitty threads.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow GUIs stop bein so mean k?????

    No but really, I don't give a single fuck about the fact if it's whoever he claims to be. I dot care if he reviews the game as being bad. I like this game and I'll keep playing it. I'm not gonna stop because some little shit thinks he's cool with his e-peen.

    Also minecraftVg, stop typing like an idiot and I'll consider not banning you. You've been doing nothing but shit posting

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow i can't believe my eyes, stop swearing! There are younger people that watch these topics. And admins, shouldn't swear at all. Come on, this forum is turning into a hate and argue forum. We have to stop this!

    Posted 13 years ago

    fuck shit bitch

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    Who is pbat and minecraftvg? Seriously? They are just someone else playing the game. Swearing and abuse is bad for everyone - no one should get special treatment because they are your friends or whatever you think makes them special.

    As discussed lots and lots before, servers need admins. Players need tools to self govern.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That is all.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey I wonder whats going on in this th- NIGGERS AS FAR THE EYE CAN SEE


    don't text
    Posted 13 years ago

    AoS isn't minecraft but people treat it as if it is.


    Posted 13 years ago

    Generally it's pretty obvious who's a real well-know youtuber and who isn't. When someone comes into a server with a name like, say, Seananners, or MinecraftChick, or PaulSoaresJr, judging their behavior is a pretty simple way to get things straight... the real ones are usually pretty quiet in the chat, don't ask for special attention, and just sort of play with everyone else as usual. Even if there WERE fakers that acted this way, I wouldn't care... they're just playing, and not causing trouble.

    Generally the fakers are complete attention kiddies, and make it obvious very quickly that they're fakers by their immature behavior. These people should be ignored and/or kicked.

    Oh, and in the case of the person (or people) who's been going around under the name PaulSoaresJr... learn how to spell, take off your caps-lock, and watch PaulSoaresJr's channel... he stated pretty clearly what his in-game name was, and it wasn't PaulSoaresJr. Newb.

    In the case of the people claiming to be SeaNanners and MinecraftChick, they both entered the server, didn't chat much (except to respond to direct questions, usually in the form of "are you really SeaNanners? OMG!"), and didn't demand attention. They just played normally and left a few minutes later. Don't troll these people, please... even supposing they ARE faking, what harm are they causing that gives you leave to try and make their gaming experience suck?

    Posted 13 years ago
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