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  • Racism Stops... Now.
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    Now before you start whining and complaining about what I do please take into account the following:
    I am mixed (half-cast)
    Don't get angry at me for what I do, i only do it a weekends because I get bored.

    Ok back to the point.
    Racsism. It's a huge problem on AoS, I find it really confusing because you look at things like RS, WoW, CS2D etc and you don't get people spamming the N-word because they think it sounds cool or whatever. I hate racsism. And yet you persist and think it's only a word, it cannot hurt anyone, A word can change a nation (or a sentence that contains that word). Racisism turns brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters, I don't want to play a game where in the future racism rules the chatbox. I don't mind swearing too much (although it is vulgar and disgusting) but racism is ALOT worse. I go on a server and there are a bunch of racist idiots, It makes me sick. So sick that I feel like quitting the server I'm on or heck getting rid of AoS to play something different with better people.

    Let me make another strong point here, please don't get mad at me it was a one-off because I wanted to see what the fuss was about. Some of you may have heard of the player called nothing, that player... is me.
    Don't exit this post just because a hacker is making a point ( I do have skills, I just got bored :3), there is something that completly makes no sense, why the hell do hackers get kicked and rasists don't?
    People just roll along and let the racists stay, but when theres a hacker(s) they like "ZOMG he must get kicked!"
    Hacking may ruin the game, but rasism ruins it ALOT more.

    Now is a good time to reflect on the words of Martin Luther King Jr or Nelson Mandela, they were people who saw that blacks, whites and half-casts can live in peace. Why is there conflict? Why can't AoS have a non-racist community?
    People should really think about who there hurting when they type those horrible messages. I think everyone should read MLK Jr's "I have a dream" speech, find it here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbUtL_0vAJk.

    You may mock and laugh at me, but know this: I will not stop. I will NEVER stop untill racism is wiped off AoS.

    Let me also make clear: I love AoS, it's a fun game when there are not racist playing, my cousin introduced me to it and i got obbsesed, don't let this great game get ruined.

    I have a dream, that AoS can be non-racist. Don't ban me for making a point, don't remove this post for making a point.
    Thank you for reading

    Posted 13 years ago

    disable chat: problem solved, nothing of value lost

    Posted 13 years ago


    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    I wasn't offended until i read your name.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Lokiamis say if I want to chat to a friend? the bad comments are unavoidable.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Noire are you going to complain and joke about my name or are you going to see the bigger picture?

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    mmhmm, ill believe the N word is offensive when African Americans stop using it to address them selves. this is how i feel about the subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp2yynZDVjI

    anyways i suppose a registration system for AoS could work, and its been much clamored for as itd also help with griefing, but we know how far this has gotten, which is nowhere.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    <irony>Let's add political correctness test before joining the game. And word filter for course words. </irony>

    You can't change people over internet, you can't punish them hard enough to stop them so why would you even try? Host a server and make any rules you like.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    wow, powerful words man.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I see the big picture, the big picture is that you are offended by words, OVER THE INTERNET. You should learn to not let problems of the past bother you in the present.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If they are using the term 'nigga' then you are to take offense, however the term 'nigger' is actually not necessarily as offensive. Just sayin...

    Posted 13 years ago

    I say don't be offended by either. Quit being such a little whiny bitch and just ignore things you don't want to hear.

    Posted 13 years ago

    People are gonna be idiots no matter what. I personally can't think of a time I judged someone by their color or heritage, myself, plus it's pointless online where frequently you can only see a player's avatar anyways. I judge people on behavior. A well-behaved, legit fellow AoS player will always be "superior" to a misbehaving hacker, troll, or griefer, regardless of heritage, to me. Other people seem to be a little too dumb to grasp this concept.

    So, Pr0ph3cyXJu5tic3, I'd have tried to kick you for hacking, too, but only because of the hacking. For the most part, I just completely ignore the chats. Sometimes I use teamchat for tactical purposes, and sometimes there's an actual friendly conversation going on in the allchat, but for the most part the solution is to take this tip: "Don't feed the trolls.

    That's important overall life advice, as well. Behave yourself, play nicely, and prove to the rest of the community that you're actually pretty cool, and who'll care what the racist <redacted>s think?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Harden the FUCK UP half-nigger.

    If you can't cope with a bunch of kids using words you don't approve of, over the internet, while not addressing you;
    you should walk outside, calmly kneel over a concrete path and violently and relentlessly slam your head against it as hard as you can repeatedly, until you die.

    Master Paradox
    Posted 13 years ago


    Confirmed for troll guys

    EDIT: Winning troll for that matter

    don't text
    Posted 13 years ago

    for some strange reason i ignore guys like that, but i see your point. why would people judge other people because of genetics? or the fact that "i was born rich and he wasn't, so i am superior" do they have any idea how stupid that is? you did nothing for the fact you were born rich, except if it was a will like "if it's a boy..." but i'm not getting into that. people who say others are inferior because of race or heritage are the inferior ones.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I judge them on the fact they come to our country, murder our people and take our women then expect to be accepted.

    don't text
    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't get it, people are turning against me for making a point. Is this how corrupt AoS really is?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just some people who are bored and troll for no reason

    Posted 13 years ago

    @machete actually we didn't come to your country, we were forced to, ever done a history lesson because it sounds like you haven't.

    Posted 13 years ago

    He is trying to be funny

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, just don't feed them and their four-year-old attention-spans will fail them, and they'll find someone more responsive to trolling to bug.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i do agree with you.
    and not all of them were forced to. atleast, in the netherlands, immigration is a huge problem.
    but why do they come to our country, murder our people and take our women? that's right. because people say they're niggas. they come to our country because they're poor. and why are they poor? centuries of racism. they murder our people because they are discriminated against. and what is discrimination? racism. oh, it doesn't happen openly, but it happens. why do they take our women? because they're here. and you know why they're here. racism. and why do they expect to be accepted? because everyone says "you will be accepted into our community".

    Posted 13 years ago

    right.everything should be a pc liberal dreamland.what happened to freedom of speech?

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    oh and lol if you really feel pissed off or white guilt or something whenever someone says the n-word then you're a complete pussy

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    freedom to discriminate people?

    Posted 13 years ago

    there are laws against racism too yknow. freedom of speech only goes so far. heck, if what you said is true i can say "IM GONNA RAPE YOU, KILL EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE, MURDER ALL CHILDREN IN A 50KM RADIUS..." do you think that's acceptable? you'd probably get arrested for "exercising freedom of speech" as you'd call it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Fagmaster I don't feel "pissed off" when someone says that word, what I'm saying is generally it's bad. And if racism keeps up it could develop into something horrible

    Posted 13 years ago
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