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  • LulzSecurity
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    Real hackers (mind you most of these people are skiddies) don't go around bragging about their accomplishments, except for sometimes to befriended hackers. They don't use programs with GUIs that somebody else made to accomplish a task.
    DDoSing isn't hacking in any sense of the word. Anybody who goes around saying "I'm a hacker", has no sense of what being a real hacker means. People who break into remote servers with malicious intent (such as stealing information, crippling infrastructure, etc, not the overall "cause") are crackers, not hackers. Another reason these skiddies lose credibility from the start are their handles. L33T speak never was and never will be a practice in the real hacker community. It's just another way to identify a skiddie.

    I don't label myself as a hacker, though I have many "hacker" qualities, I'd rather not deem myself with that term as I'd be a hypocrite. For anybody interested in what hacking actually/originally means, check this link. Start off from there, work yourself up, and don't make a fool of yourself like these kids do.

    The word "hacker" is so misconstrued at this point it irritates me greatly, maybe I'm just bitter towards the subject, but that's just how I feel. I'm not saying these kids don't have good intentions, but their self-labeling only helps the constant misconstrued nature of the term.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    I thought it was obvious from the start the "Lulzsec." were a bunch of 16 year olds thinking they were xXx420HARDC0RExXx elite super "hackers".

    Posted 13 years ago

    Little skiddies don't break down Bethesda and steal millions of accounts and the information that came with them(credit cards, phone numbers, etc..)
    Either way, there really cocky and i sure hope(for them) they are being cocky because they're covering their tracks really well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Why would you brag about the shit you "accomplish" when it's so illegal... If you're good just keep it to yourself. But of course LulzSec's just pathetic for thinking they're so same intelligent. I do hope they get caught...

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want to assume they are somewhere on the European continent. If they were in United States, we would have "probably" got them by now.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think they're spread out across the world. Much like Anonymous.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If you haven't figured it out yet, they aren't anonymous. They are just using that so they don't get blamed for anything and anonymous ends up getting shit it does or does not deserve. I'm going to be honest, I don't give two fucks about anonymous or its XD LEJUN /B/ RANDOM shit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Anonymous is another hacking group that don't blab their mouths. I wasn't saying that Lulz security is apart of or is Anonymous.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, the anonymous you used to "know and love" died when 4chan went to shit(not saying it wasn't but I think most of you see where i'm coming from.). Most of them have all got a life or done something useful.

    Anonymous that you know of now is a bunch of 13 - 16 year olds who think being anonymous is like some sort of clique for kids who want to be cool and edgy by saying they "hack" and protest scientology.

    People from the old anonymous who have stayed around try and avoid the children, though they do crack websites and leak passwords for christian facebook accounts(I know because when /v/ started becoming not video games they posted a few of them on there.), just to watch the children cause havoc. I think the "It's cool to be anonymous." thing died in around 2008.

    Really anonymous is a shadow of it's former self, which apparently not many people realize.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The funny thing is, is that Lokiamis did it. Just never told anyone.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What's a computer

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    quick before i log out of his profile, tell me something to put for him.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thank you for mentioning that, Stack. Few people realize that most real hackers are people that modify analog machinery, not software and code. It's also been a long time since I've encountered someone who actually knew the difference between hacking and cracking (although calling someone a "cracker" can be bad for other reasons).

    And DDoS attacks aren't hacking. All you need is an easily-obtained speedclick program and a URL for the site you want to kill, and some friends with the same. It's closer to spamming than cracking, and frankly you could probably train a few dogs to execute a DDoS attack.

    Posted 13 years ago

    LulzSec gave me a list of over 62,000 acounts with passwords. I found one with a paypal account, with 3 credit cards linked up to it. I'm so going shoppinggggggg

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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