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  • Spadille 1.4.1

    Just released Spadille v1.4.1. For those who don't know, Spadille is a program I created that contains a bunch of useful utilities for Ace of Spades. The server browser allows you to retrieve the latest list of available servers with options such as joining, pinging, favoriting, blacklisting and more. Other utitlities include a config editor, mod swapper, map manager, screenshot manager, and more. I decided to start posting each release in a serperate thread since it started to become rather tedious for others and myself to go through multiple pages in a single thread.

    Download: http://nateshoffner.com/projects/spadille

    Change Log:

    • Favorites are no longer disabled while not on server list **
    • Auto-saving of screenshots is now optional
    • Screenshots are no longer saved to clipboard
    • Added option to show/hide grid lines in server browser
    • Added feedback option under Help menu
    • Fixed bug when sorting ping column when pings are refreshed
    • Removed some debugging code

    **One note regarding the favorites. Due to the recent server page issue, no servers were visible but could still be accessed by knowing the server URL. But as of 1.4 "offline" favorited servers were disabled in the menu so they were not able to be accessed. Now they are enabled that way if there is another outage, favorited servers can still be accessed if they are online even. This was requested by a lot of people so I decided to retract the change from the last update.

    Any feedback is appreciated, which is now easier to do by clicking Help->Feedback. :D

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Love it. Especially the screenshooting stuff.

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    I can't change the sight D:

    Posted 13 years ago

    wow after norton blocked the last 2 versions i was finnally able to download it. bout time.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago


    Master Paradox
    Posted 13 years ago

    Cool release! :)

    iammorthor.com owner
    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey Nate (assuming that's your name?), when I try to launch Spadille I get a pop-up saying "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application". Any ideas on what's wrong?

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    @adhiofawkes, working on that now

    @Fluttershy, odd, I can assure you there is nothing malicious about Spadille, feel free to scan it with multiple alternative scanners if you wish.

    @artificialbox, have you had a previous version of Spadille installed before? Windows OS? .NET Framework version? Could you save a copy of the error details to pastebin for me please?

    Also, I just realized I didn't have the feedback page setup correctly, it's fixed now. So if anyone sent any feedback that way, I didn't receive it, sorry :(

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Hm...your website says "Download Unavailable". You're about to release another version or what's up?
    Edit: lol, you were faster.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Green_Beret, there's a few bugs with the mod swapper currently. I'll put it back online, but there will more than likely be a fix shortly for a few bugs so be sure to update :)

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ah ok, nice to know. :)

    I just installed - just in case you miss it for next release: The "IP Address" column is a bit too small now: *click*

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Green_Beret, it's already been fixed in the new release for later :D Thanks. If you notice anything else be sure to tell me.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    @artificialbox, somehow I completely missed your provided error code. You need the Microsoft .NET Framework (2.0) to run it.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago
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