Komrade Server.
Recently, our clan has created a server with pyspades thanks to Korakoff. Well, it has come to the clan conclusion that we have gotten "famous" or some shit.We have been seeing an increase in fake Komrades and Deuce faggotry popping up in our server.As a notice, we will be issuing permanent bans to imposter Komrades and Deuces. Also, faggots who beg for godmode will be banned unless within our clan. If clan members ask for god mode, they will be given a Yes or No answer. NO MEANS NO BITCH. Any person that asks for administrative powers will be issued a kick as a warning, then PermaBan. Griefers will get banned after one kick warning.
Ban List:
All Deuces
Posted 13 years ago |
Sound's fun :D
Posted 13 years ago |