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  • [SUGGESTION] Zombies!
  • 126

    First of all, I'm new and I would just like to say hello.

    Ok, so I have been playing this game for a little while and love it like everyone else. But, I had an idea that would make this game even more exciting.

    You could add another server list for this game mode.

    I was thinking about it and this sounds like a lot of fun. You could start out like you would on a regular server but after a few seconds, zombies would start attacking.

    Of course, you could put up walls and but zombies could break blocks. You would need to build some sort of fort to take refuge in.

    There wouldn't really need to be any new weapons (although that would be much more fun) but there would probably need to be an ammo refill every few waves.

    That is all I have thought out so far, but it is your game so change it however you want. What do you guys/girls think?

    Good or bad idea?

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago


    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    What is it with damn zombies all of a sudden around here....

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    No? May I ask why?

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    Also, I probably should have searched first but I was really thinking and wanted to get it out there before I forgot.

    Can you please explain why you think this is a bad idea?

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    caladooty is so awsum!!1

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't see how this is that similiar to "CoD Zombies" but I haven't played that very much. An actual response would be nice. :D

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it would be awsome i had the same idea... and even if he added it would be on a different serverlist so if u dont want to play it dont but some of us actually do wanna play it

    Posted 13 years ago


    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    if you want zombies + voxels go play minecraft

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Im sorry but its not the same

    Posted 13 years ago

    Zombies ftw

    Posted 13 years ago

    Was making two posts really necessary? You just ooze dumb.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    kaede dont be so negative >:(

    Posted 13 years ago

    I just don't like dumb people. Sorry.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't think she's being negative... it's just kicking a dead horse at this point as for as "zombies" go =/

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    i like how every time someone proposes something different everyone reacts negatively.... i think that new stuff might make the game better.... if aos will stand like it is now everyone is going to get bored and leave..... so change is a good thing

    Posted 13 years ago

    >Proposes something different
    >Copypasta from caladooty


    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sorry VXVJaKeVXV, I am made this tread a while ago.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ya it was kaede penis licker...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh snap! XD


    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Shut up sniperxx420EdwerdCullinfaggotxx, don't be rude, only i'm allowed to be rude.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How about an assassination-type game mode where each team has a designated VIP that they have to protect. Each team will take turns on having VIPs. For example, say the blue team is first. One of them will be chosen as VIP. Now say a green kills him. That green is now the green team's VIP fr them to protect.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    That actually sounds fun, Khan.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Problem is, without registration, there might be griefers out there becoming VIPs and getting themselves killed just to make their teams lose. Depending on how the game mode will be executed, that could potentially be a problem.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    How about no?
    This is the reply for every suggestion thread now, even if the suggestion is good.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, I think everyone in the forums wants new features... we just can't agree on what they should be at all.

    And anything and everything from CoD (aside from the fact that both games have players, maps, and guns) counts as a bad idea in my mind. AoS is unique, and once it stops being that way its only redeeming aspect will be that it's free.

    The things I want most are some minor graphics improvements (I know, I know, don't screw up the smooth game running, but frankly the game's actually being held back. My apologies to those of you who are running crummy old laptops) and some better anti-griefer/anti-troll measures (streamlined votekicking that prevents people just voting yes automatically and encourages players to think about and participate in votekicks, and perhaps automatically-started votekicks when players meet certain conditions). These won't create serious changes to the gameplay, but will enhance the game overall.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sorry for the double post, I just forgot some info. I don't see how that makes me dumb, but you seem to have your own messed up way of judging people.

    Anyway, no need for insults, let's just get back on topic.

    I don't see how this is such a bad idea... I see that you want the game to be completley different from any other but adding zombies wouldn't make it "your typical shooting game".

    The developer could EASILY add his own spin. How this would make the game "bad", I can't see.

    In all seriousness, you could just not play it... I'm fairly sure many people would.

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I hope to play with you guys sometimes.

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    in all seriousness, i think that zombies are getting a little overused. id prefer something along the lines of Assassination/VIP or Conquest, tbh.

    and yeah, everyone here is kind of a dickhead. you're going to get criticism from stupid cunts like Kaede often.

    Mr. Freeze
    Posted 13 years ago
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