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    @Exile: I'm only using one email address for my gravatar, and it's the same one I'm using here. The reason I asked is that the forums here are powered by BBPress, an offshoot of Wordpress.

    I've tried lots of things, and my forums account is still represented by a bunch of annoyingly pink diamonds, rather than the picture of a Slab6 model of bacon I told gravatar to associate with any accounts made using my sign-up email address.

    I've tried activating stuff, I've tried telling the gravatar account to check for other accounts with the same email, and I've checked all the things mentioned by the help pages for gravatar... they're all about as effective as rubber BBs. HOLLOW rubber BBs.

    Or, in other words: Help! I r newb @ gravatar use!

    Posted 13 years ago

    When i saw BBpress i definately thought i'd have to activate via Wordpress too but it turned out not to matter.

    Delete old avatar, upload a new one (change some pixels, upload from desktop)
    Make them re-cache your avatar. OR you can add more avatars to your account and over time see if any of them work.

    Other than that, if nothing works you might have to look up a support topic some where.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago
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