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  • AoS =\= Minecraft with guns

    It's damn annoying when you're trying to rally the men for attack and everyone's just sitting in their forts, building useless 'defences'. I mean, don't they realise that you can't win a capture-the-flag by sitting in your base? You need to go and get the enemy's flag!

    Not that I do not find building useful but 12 players out of 16 are just sitting in their forts, doing nothing? Yeah, good luck on winning that round.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good luck winning the round when there's no cap limit

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would say the people who do that have their own motives for playing the game...

    On the other hand, there's more to CTF than just trying to bruteforce your way to the flag, and it theoretically makes sense to make it harder for the other team to get your flag.

    Posted 13 years ago

    We're talking about 3/4 of the team here. And they weren't doing anything to the enemies running all around their side of the map, just building their nice, shiny fort.
    And there's more to CTF than camping around the flag, too. I wasn't saying that bruteforcing to the enemy flag is the only way, just that by camping around yer own flag you ain't goin' to get anywhere.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If they aren't actually using their defensive fort for defending, then I would agree.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If it was like: Capture the Intel 10 times and win. Then surely people would be more motivated to capture it. However, seeing as how it's like: "Wow better capture this intel for, forever." I'd rather build until I'm bored, and then Capture once or twice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The game would be boring as fuck without all the extravagant defenses green builds.

    As long as the fort/castle is placed around where the intel currently is i have no problem with with it at all.

    Its when people are building a huge fucking fort in the middle of nowhere or when the intel is captured and they continue to build where the intel used to be that pisses me off.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well it seems as if the Original Poster was ranting on about the Defenses in-which protect the Tent A.k.A Base.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Welcome to World War 1

    Posted 13 years ago

    This is silly. The game is enjoyable for many because you get to build, then attack on will. If you happen to dislike the style of game-play that AoS follows, quit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    To the people who keep ripping on the game...


    LoL they say the game is horrid but they still play ,,, LOL?

    Posted 13 years ago

    extravagant defenses green builds

    As if only the green team on every server does this?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nobody here said that the game is horrid

    Posted 13 years ago

    To all of you who are misunderstanding you, I have nothing against building.
    But I've been trying to say that there's no fucking point for 12 players out of 16 to build a damn bad fort in the middle of nowhere when blues are just picking out those builders that are stationary for too long.

    In short, the whole green team is building and the whole blue team is capturing the intel / sniping green builders. That is fucking ridiculous.

    I don't like that. I really dislike that. I'd like to have a good fight where everyone is doing something, not all are doing the same thing and there's no flamewar about green/blue being better going on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Maybe assign a mission to each player in the team : 1/4 must defend (make points in the part of his base), 3/4 must attack (make points in the other part of the map).

    But the respawn point is too near the intel of the team : the more you kill ennemies, the more there are, so you would prefer not kill and steal the intel rather that megakill then take the intel...

    Posted 13 years ago
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