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  • i got an idea

    sorry i am doing what everbody else is doing but i would like to try out a match where you have a truck that someone drives that you succesfully have to get to a certain point. make some bridges and your set, people can get on top of the truck and shoot but someone must be driving (works just like walking only a bit faster with no jump or autoclimb) i know that most people will just sat something like
    but i would like someone to at least consider it, you have 5 trucks and the first team *coughbluecough* to get them on the other side wins. what do you guys think?

    Posted 13 years ago

    sounds ok

    Posted 13 years ago

    really? thanks mate :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    its an okay idea but might result in noobs running people over :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, hahahahah
    but anyway, thanks for your thoughts ;)

    Posted 13 years ago

    That would be pretty rad, but i don't know how well a truck would fair in a voxel world.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Dinosaurs Is a pretty cool idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yes for dinosaurs in a separate thread:D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok but what if car is invinsible NO ! i think that the car isn't invinsible BUT not brakable from one shot it must be 30 bullets i think abuot 1500 HP that would be good :-)
    About runnig over the people if he runs over on a soldier (player) he will be slayed and the new driver will be who first jumps in the drivers chair :) then i think it must be a truck that on the back some of players could jump and shoot at ENEMY trucks if on your team it will slay you.

    So i think that would be good for trucks,cars...

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ khani, brilliant idea, escorting vehicles would fit this game really well I think. It would make sense to build a tunnel through a mountain and bridges over ditches to get the vehicle across. This could be really fun I believe. The details would make or break it but it has great potential in my opinion. Like I dont think a driver is necessary and may be too complicated in the simplistic engine.

    I reckon you should add some tags and a better title to this thread. For example;
    suggestion, escort, vehicle, game mode.

    Ive made a suggestion post for you on the voting system thingy.

    Infact, I think this idea is absolutely fantastic! This is because the progress you make on one team does not benefit the other team at all! Its perfect.

    It would solve many problems very elegantly and be really fun aswell.
    At the moment, every straight tunnel that is made works both ways. With this gamemode however, both teams would have to work on making their own infrastructure. And offensive players could concentrate on making walls or ditches to slow down enemy progress. I really want to try this out! Sounds great.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Noire. Either dinosaurs or Pokemon, please.

    Edit for fail "dinosaur" spelling. Derp.

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks you all so much for the feed back guys, i really think that this can take off. and also thanks for the ideas on this, 1500 hp and no driver would be a much better idea then driver and infinent health moving behemoth of cover, it might get a bit grief heavy as people will dig holes but i guess thats what escorts are for :) and also, how do you add tags, sorry, still new to these forums :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    So, Its like payload.. But with a driver, Not on a settrack..?

    Posted 13 years ago
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