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  • another idea

    my other idea was recieved well and i have quite a few more but i have been thinking about it and i would like to post another one.
    naval retreat
    good in island maps, there is a boat somewhere and you are suppost to get on it and evacuate the area. when you get on you don't just see a sitting action you can come out again but you can't get back on the ship as you already have sat in. not only would this be good as it fits in with the theme, it also gives a player the run the gauntlet type of battle as the ship will be in enemy territory, meaning that they can put up barricades. you might think that intel is already quite good for running the gauntlet already, but in this you don't have to run back and put it into your base, your enemies can't use huge towers but there is also difficulty, with intel you can let others pick it up when you die, if you get shot then you can't get on the ship as your dead. so when all people are either shot or dead then the game ends, people can stop the game and get back in but they probably won't want to as they are occupied defending themselves.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it needs to be tweaked a bit, i don't thinking dying and waiting for others to die until you play again is a good idea and i don't understand about what happens when you get on the ship or about the intel, could you explain?

    good idea tho

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    this has no intel, just giving a few pros and cons
    also, i was thinking that maybe you are given a naval base around the ship and as long as you are within it your point counts, you count as in the ship. builders can build and soldiers can shoot from high towers, you can go as high as you like and as long as the tower your on is firmly planted in the naval base your platform can expand outwards. note that if you die in the naval base then you must get there again to have your point count.

    Posted 13 years ago

    okay so as long as your on the ship then your team gets a point....hmmmm....its a good idea, like one is attacking and anothers defending sort of idea :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, but i still think that trucks is better and dinosaurs is masterfull
    i want dinosaurs, sorry for getting a bit off topic but dinosaurs is a really good idea

    Posted 13 years ago


    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    dino ftw!!!!

    Posted 13 years ago
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