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  • Admin Tool Assisted Server.

    My server (currently: "East Coast Server v035 t01"), is Assisted with an Admin Tool I am writing. This tool so far, only works with my server. I will be hoping to make it so that others could use it as well. The "v035" means that it is running the Ace Of Spades version 0.35, "t01" means that it is running the tool version 0.1.

    As of right now, it only has the ability to allow Admins (only me so far), to kick players by their ID's via chat command: !kick <id>
    I'm going to implement an anti-cheat system into it, to automatically kick hackers (I actually am able to do this, just I don't want to code it yet).

    I was wondering what features you would like to see? Again, I will be eventually making it so it works on all servers (mabye Ben himself will actually implement these into the Server itself so there would be no need for an external tool).

    Let me know.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Seems interesting, especially since I'm on the East Coast myself. What's your opinion on administrative commands to alter things like ammo and health, rather than just server commands to kick or ban players?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, I'm not against it, because there could be alot of uses for that. Such as you could be organizing an event of some sort, say a race to the finish. Everyone gets 1 hp and 0 ammo so you can't kill each other, and if you die (I.e. Fall too far, because you have to do some obstacle climbing or something), you lose.

    So, I'm kinda more towards being for it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Also, if I really wanted to, I could make it so that clients that want to connect to the server have to be validated before connecting (by means of them running a validation tool that validates their players). This would allow me to do so much with this admin tool! I could track players stats, globals stats, make global bans (with or with a length), and much more!

    Posted 13 years ago

    A !ban feature, and the ability for admins to give themselves unlimited blocks/infinite ammo/godmode, for when they need to check something out without dieing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I assume you're using Python to do this and reading/writing to STDIO.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I just implemented a !report feature. Players can type !report <id or name> (or even just !report by itself), and I'll be notified that there is something going on.

    As for the !ban feature, that would only work by Player Name (as of now), and it wouldn't be very effective as alot of cheaters are Dueces. Even so, the players could just end up changing their name anyways.

    No it's not Python.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Could you permit specific privileges to singular users, such as the instant kick? In other words, could you make an intermediate user (i.e moderator) between the Admin and a regular player?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Of-course I can do that. It's just deciding who amongst all the players that join, get to have that privilege.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Also here's an Update to the server Tool:

    Added !slayid <id> - Instantly slays the Player with the ID of <id>

    Added !setteamid <id> <team name> - Instantly switches the Player with the id of <id> to either green or blue team.

    Added !goto <id> - Instantly teleports the ServerBot to the user with the id of <id>. This has already proven useful against a hacker that was flying above the map, I used !goto 13 and the ServerBot went into the sky, and I knew that, that was the hacker. So I could use !kickid 13 to kick him.

    Added !comehere - Intantly teleports the ServerBot to the user.

    All of these functions are Admin only, if any other user attempts to use them, they will not work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thank you for your work. Don't mean to rant on the other threads. It's a shame that it's so hard to host or join a game for fun anymore on the PC without someone trying to ruin it.

    I really like this game and hope the developer becomes a huge success. We need more great games like this.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can already feel that the developer will become a huge success.
    Also, More updates:

    Added a Hacker Detection - Will automatically kick the player.

    Gave ServerBot Chat Functionallity! - Now he'll tell you about how he likes pie.

    Added !echo <text> - ServerBot will say the text given.

    Posted 13 years ago

    oh this is your server

    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe add a "!freeze <id>" or "!stuck <id>" command to freeze or stuck a single play and disable him from using anything or moving around.

    This could be used to investigate and give you and HIM time to explain something, like a possible grief or what ever.

    maybe add a "chatbot" to link the ingame chat to any HTTP so you can see what is going on there. also include the "TAB SCREEN" where names, score and ID are listed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lexsym can't edit client-side variables. I just killed suspects when necessary until I sorted it out.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Perhaps a ''!pause'' command?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was playing on Lexsym's server last night and i was pretty happy with what he was doing with it. This will most likely become my main server i play on so plan to see me there! Good work Lexsym

    Posted 13 years ago

    What are you writing this in and is it open source?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Could you add a feature that, when the real Master Server is unavailable, fakes the master servers signal? So when there's downtime/during this closed beta, we could host servers. It'd be really popular.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You don't actually have to connect to the Master server to host a server. You can do a direct connection.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How, Rose?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Not sure, ask the Admin of Facepunch.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I am working on a command that is similar to "!freeze" or "!pause", however with the Master Server being down, I'm unable to continue development until I can "fake the master signal" as Rokurai said.

    I can actually very easily link up In-game chat to a website (mine), to allow users to watch in-game chat as well as talk with them.

    @apatheus This program will eventually be released to the General Public along with sourcecode. However as it stands. This program is only created for my Server, running specific to my computer.

    I have been pretty busy today, as I'm actually trying to get an apartment right now. However I will try to devote any and all spare time to getting the server up and running, along with adding new server features.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lexsym: I started working on a similar tool (relays udp packets to a server, filtering 'hacker' actions etc) but the udp relay method seems flawed (it doesn't allow connections to the master server) and I never got to the point of actually decoding packets.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You should give up then.

    Posted 13 years ago



    Posted 13 years ago

    Would you do me a great favor and share this with me? I host a server, and this would be extremely useful. If not, thanks anyways.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I will eventually.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Please do. My server only has one way to administer it (Locally, I don;t want to mess with VPNS or remote access) and being able to add mods would help tremendously. I think I kicked close to 30 people just today for griefing and autoclickers, and I didn't have much time to actually *play* the game as a result.

    Posted 13 years ago



    Posted 13 years ago
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