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  • Cannot connect to servers

    Me and as well as my friends cannot connect to anything.
    "Server connection failed: it's either full or mis-configured"

    I would love oh-so-much to get some help so I can play this game! c:

    Thank you for your time.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Even with uninstalling Cheat Engine, it will still cause you to error out. Here's the original post with the solution (if you have, or ever have had Cheat Engine installed):

    Okay if you've updated to the latest version as of this day (Which would be version 0.35), and you are getting the error:

    Server connection failed: Version mismatch or map transfer fail

    On every single server (not just full servers), ever since this update. Then this should fix it for you.

    Open up the Registery Editor (Open the run window [Windows Button + R], and type in: regedit).

    Go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and look for the key in that list named: .CT

    Delete it, and the error should be fixed. If not, let me know.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It diddnt work for me i had cheat engine before and i deleted the file and im on fire fox

    And when i first got ace of spades i clicked on a server and it said what program should i open it with so i chose program files ace of spades client please help

    Posted 13 years ago

    i do not have cheat engine n i hv the problem... i never installed cheat engine ever, im using IE 9, i downloaded the game ( obv)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually you helping these little hacker kids doesnt help the game at all, it just causes more trouble, after all they just start cheating right away they find another cheating program.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So, like a bunch of other people seem to be complaining about, for a while after downloading I had the problem connecting to any server. Never played an earlier version but everytime I would try to connect I would get the 'misconfigured/full error'. Never had cheat engine and cleaned my reg anyway, and I was pretty much ready to give up.

    I happened to open up the site in Google Chrome, as opposed to using IE before. And for some reason I was actually able to connect. I have no clue what is different about Chrome, but figured I would let other people know so they could try it out at least.

    Cheers guys.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Tried this in every browser I could think of

    Don't have .ct folder in my regedit classes root.

    Still have the same error. Fuck that.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow, I can actually run a server, but I can't connect to my own. :/ Damn.

    Edit: Never mind, got it. :D

    Posted 13 years ago
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