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  • Your parents beliefs and you...
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    New York has just become the sixth state to legally allow gays and lesbians to marry. I kind of got into an argument with my dad about this last night. My girlfriend is bi-sexual. My dad doesn't "believe" in bi-sexuals, or the marriage between two people of the same sex for that matter. I felt a little crushed, partly because he's always an asshole but also because he's very intelligent and usually right.

    I also feel a little ashamed as a son because most boys (who have the blessing of knowing their father) tend to have very good relationships with their dad, but I'm sort of a non-conformist myself and my father is really conservative. He's never taught me much and is pretty anti-social, probably because he feels like he doesn't need to waste his time with younger generations. I don't think he really likes the way me and my friends think -not that we're punks getting into trouble or anything, he just... doesn't like us.

    I just felt like I needed to write that. My relationship with my dad was getting better lately but it always gets torn apart like last night, when he thinks it's his job to tell me how to think and how to live. He's gotten into a few arguments with me about my girlfriend and he hasn't even met her yet. I think he's going to be put off by the fact that she's black when he learns this. Are your parents ever like this?

    P.S. Is anyone else glad gays are being recognized more and more now? What's your stance on this?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't care what my parents think. I do what I want. I'm so cool.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    My parents immigrated here from Central America, but they are are conservative Christians. They made a huge fuss when the whole New York thing exploded. They're the type of people that quote the Bible a lot and believe you gay people choose to be gay, gay people are abominations, ect. I'm 17 right now, but I always questioned all that (probably started when I was 12...). Now my parents know that I don't share their views and we don't have a very good relationship. I guess it's for the best though. I consider myself atheist now I suppose, and very liberal.

    There's plenty of people that don't have a good relationship with their parents. Not not good with advice, sorry... just wanted to put in a little bit of info.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm so happy that the bill passed in New York. Me, my parents, and all my siblings fully support same sex marriage despite my parents being christian. They aren't like hxc christians though. They just believe in God and read the bible, that's about it.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't agree with it being called gay "Marriage", as I believe marriage is a sacred thing between a man and a woman.

    What gets to me about the whole thing the most is that it's portrayed as such a spectacle by those who support and oppose. If two people wanna be together, I don't have a problem with it, just don't -

    A. Shove it my face.
    B. Step on my beliefs. (Not saying they are)
    or C. Blow it out of proportion.

    I think things could've been handled differently, but it is what it is I suppose. It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out legally in the coming weeks. It's not over, not by a long shot.

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    does it matter live your life they can live theirs like seriously does it matter its not like the 1800 where you were like hung for doing something like being gay

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't care if they marry as long as they don't have Unwarranted Self Importance because of it. I allow all types of people on my server, Damned Mongolia.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    My parents say no drinking, no drugs, and believe in religion. lollllllllllllll

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Gay marriage: I'm pretty cool with it, despite being a Roman Catholic. My uncle (mom's side) is legally married to a guy. :P

    As for my beliefs? Don't fuck up other people's lives, one should find God in his own way, keep a level head if you can, Being LGBT isn't a sin (Same gender sex is, at least that's what the Church says.), and try to enjoy your life. :P

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    my dad would probably kill me if I went gay or something... Probably not gonna happen tough.

    Pretty boy
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm actually pretty good with my dad and step-mom. I never get grounded, they're never strict, they don't care what time I go to bed (as long as I go to school) We aren't that religious, I can drink if I wanted to (I choose not to) but my dad doesn't like it if I do. I'm pretty happy right now.

    That Guy
    Posted 13 years ago

    I get pissed with my parents sometimes.
    They do really stupid things and they act like morons.
    Little do they know... there only tools.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Gays should have the right to marry in any state. And anyone who disagrees is denying people of there rights, which is not right in our modern world.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sasquatch I know that feeling.
    Me and my dad don't have the best relationship either.
    My dad thinks a lot like yours.

    Posted 13 years ago

    im ATHIEST...deal w/IT

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago


    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    My cousin is gay and i dont really care but some people are "People shouldnt be gay!"
    i even heard a person say once that his son was gay and was an abomination...i got pissed after he said that (naturally)

    Posted 13 years ago

    people only hate gays because they fear the unknown

    i.e. they're not going to a kick ass party across the street and having fun in it with a gay host because they think they'll be raped or something stupid

    my neighbor is gay and i've been going to his adult parties since i was about 10. Never has he or any of his guests made any move towards me and the environment over there is welcoming and healthy.

    And no, there's not AIDs in his pool either

    gayness can be a choice or a genetic mutation imo we learned in psych a while back that there is a gay gene and whatnot

    Posted 13 years ago

    yo i've never understood this homophobia shit.why the fuck do fags keep thinking people are afraid of them? whenever i see a fag i think "lol what a disgusting faggot" not "OH SHIT...BETTER STAY AWAY FROM THAT HOMO..I MIGHT CATCH DA AIDS!!"

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    exactly i think that's silly too

    even if there was aids in the pool, just in case anyone was afraid, it probably wouldn't last long and would be killed by chlorine

    Posted 13 years ago

    i do not mind, i do not have any problem with people of other religions

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^^^ Except Jews. I think Hitler agrees with me. But i keed!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Jazz: As far as I recall, the only way AIDS can be transmitted is via the bloodstream, or by bodily fluids. So I dun' think you can get AIDS from a pool. (In general)

    Also, you're right. And I think that homosexuality is a case of nurture and nature.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I smoke cigarettes...


    Posted 13 years ago

    Homosexuality is an abomination, just like tattoos, dancing, any meat cooked less than well done, lobster (or really any seafood that isn't fish), bacon, and not having a beard.

    The penalty should be death for everyone who does these terrible things.
    Unless you sacrifice a guilt ram to God in the tent of the high priest, and then bathe in a nearby river and don't come back home for a few days.

    I mean that's just common sense.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Who the hell cares?

    We have better things to worry about but here we are, shitting ourselves about gay marriage in the form of politics. Is this really necessary?

    This is why I hate being American.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Speng: You mean about the argument about gay marriage, or the topic itself?

    @Blood: Fallout! 8D

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate the argument.

    I find it retarded that people treat gays as if they're anything but human.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Speng: It's fear that makes normal people treat homosexuals as sub-human. Fear can be a very powerful thing.

    Also, if you can't take the heat then stay outta the kitchen. :/

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    My parents are Christians, and the whole thing about gay marriage doesn't seem to bother them at all. In fact, they say there's no reason to treat gay people any differently because of their sexual orientation. They may not agree with same-sex marriage, but there's no reason to go around shouting "GOD HATES FAGS".

    Marriage isn't a sacred thing anymore, it's a political/economic thing. Look at how many marriages end up in divorce. Also, you don't even have to have a wedding anymore, you can just ask a judge to marry you and that's it.

    Posted 13 years ago
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