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  • |Spadornia|

    The Nation of Spadornia is torn apart from war.
    Actualy no one knows why do the both w
    The Blue army is the invader who wanted to free the people from the fasist Green army.

    It all started in the Northern Spadornia (Default maps).
    The Hills,Valleys the lakes and the rivers were the battleground of those troops.

    Blue army pushed forward into the Harbour city and the fighting began there.
    There were fights and battles every where in Spadornia.
    In the snow,woodland,Normandy and sometimes in the beaches.
    Also fighting has also been in El Alamein ( the desert region).

    In the long term this war may never end cause both sides have limitles supplys of troops and other stuff.
    Spadornia is a place of never ending war.
    (okay that sucked)

    Commander in Arms
    Posted 13 years ago
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