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  • *OFFICIAL* Improvements Thread.
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    If I'm using a rifle I reload as soon as fuckin possible, even after a couple shots. If I get in a fight and don't win or get to cover after 10 bullets I pretty much deserve to die.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    my song:
    :you are a fake noob
    :you are a gay and fail
    :all you think is gay
    :the end

    Posted 13 years ago

    Your song reminded me of this.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    The reality is that you really can't snipe in a water deeper than 1m. I know that this is not Project Reality, but anyways. So I think the bobbing is a good idea IF features are made so that server host can turn them on/off. And why is it so that leaderboards "make no one to build anymore"? 1st, this is not minecraft, live with it and secondly, they will build if it helps them, also, no one will take time building if it doesn't help one bit? You also said that "if bobbing is added, people will build bridges". I see a contradiction here. You say that if leaderboards are put in, no one builds. However, if bobbing is added, you think people WILL build so doesn't it even out?
    Also, people will help their team if the stats page of one's profile is made so that only win/loss ratio is shown. Simple, no?
    So, my suggestion: Make it so that you only get 4 (2?) grenades when you spawn and they cannot be replenished. Less grenade spam, more 'nades for frontline use.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Eh, if it's so deep you cant stand up, you shouldn't be able to shoot at all.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago
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