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  • configured server launch with "one click"

    It would be great for future patches to have added features for our server launches.

    Beside the Score and Time caps for restart we should get some possibilities to automatically launch a server (at least i dont know a proper way).

    So please give us a way to pass a set of settings for startup.

    Via commandline directly.
    -max X, where X is the max number of user
    -name X, where X is the name
    -score X, where X is the maximum score per map
    -timelimit X, where X is the maximum time per map in minutes
    example commandline server.exe -max 32 -name "Deuces paradise" -score 30 -timelimit 300

    have a configfile for servers like the config.ini for client
    Deliver a default server.cfg with the above points.
    Also give us the possibility to load different config files via commandline (server.exe -load server2.cfg)

    for the both above mentioned methods:
    if any parameter has NOT set, then ask for it as we know already

    Posted 13 years ago

    Also need to have it set so we can set the IP that the server uses.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok i tinkered a little programm to start the server as ONECLICK :-P
    it works like my config-methode i tried to describe


    have fun

    Posted 13 years ago

    Can i throw into the mix the ability to choose the port number, in the case of people who have a good server being limited to one port kinda stops you running multiple servers at a fundemental level - I say that cuase on a non-fundamental level i have no idea if the server software would work with two instances executing at once.

    KickAss Server#1 : 32887
    KickAss Server#2 : 32888

    Posted 13 years ago

    afaik you cant run multiple servers.
    maybe there is a really hacky way to do this, but that sure is far beyond common skill

    if any1 figures out how to do it just tell me or do it youself since the code is really simple right now :-D

    Posted 13 years ago
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