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  • My Suggestions/Problems with the game

    1. Wobbly camera needs to go. It's very easy to get dizzy or disoriented because of it, and it's especially bad in tunnels/trenches. It's like the block people are extremely drunk.
    2. A donate button is needed somewhere, since this is a free game and is really good and is clearly growing in popularity quickly, you need money to keep it going, so having a donation button would be ideal, especially since the main server is always crashing.
    3. Jumping shouldn't be as clunky; Since this is such a blocky landscape with blocky hills and such, you'll have to jump often, but it can be alot more tedious than it needs to be to do so.
    4. There's a problem of other player jumping teams. For instance, a green team player jumping to the blue team just to destroy a fortification and he can't be stopped. This could be solved easily by having it where once you choose a team, you can't change it during that match. Other lesser solutions could be the ability to votekick or friendly fire.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1: It doesn't seem that bad in principle to me. I agree that it's far too drastic, and if you try taking a quick look behind you, good luck figuring out which way is up for the next half minute.

    It might be ok if it's either 3 to 8 times weaker, or responds non linearly. (i.e. turning faster doesn't make the camera wobble more after a point)

    4: If server options are ever supported, a force auto balance would help a lot. If options would take a while, just make this the default behavior until then?

    Posted 13 years ago
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