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  • [Request] Six anti-grief ideas that might work

    Here's some suggestions. I know I'm a noob, so please don't throw something at me.

    The general idea for dealing with griefers is that the team has to be able to get rid of them effectively, because they spawn there.

    These two pertain to tents.
    1. When one is at their tent, it should restock, and then wait 3 seconds or something before restocking again. This should help deal with the tent campers who are nigh invincible.
    2. The tent should not reload the "current" ammo - the player has to explicitly reload (I said it for SMG-only, but it's probably best if it were for all weapons).

    These two pertain to kicking.
    3. When one votekicks, there should be an extra tally for the votes from that player's own team, and if either of them pass, the player is kicked. I think this is best put into code; I hope you can read C...

    void vote_yes(player_t *p) {
      if(this_ballot != 0 && p->voted_for != this_ballot) {
        p->voted_for = this_ballot;
        if(p->team == ballot_team) {
    void check_votes(void) {
      if( ballot_votes > playercount/2 || ballot_team_votes > team[ballot_team].count/2 ) {

    4. The player in the lead for their team, provided they have at least 10 points (feel free to tune this value), should be able to kick anyone off their team. This should hopefully deal with the situation where half the team are either griefers or don't votekick, and is based on the general assumption that most people who are simply there to grief generally don't kill people, or don't kill many.
    5. When a griefer is kicked from a team, they should be IP-banned from that specific team for half an hour.

    And this one pertains to teamkills.
    6. People should be able to teamkill people with fewer kills than them, maybe provided that there's a threshold or something. Of course, with that said, you could just permit all friendly fire, which could add to the challenge.

    Which of these, if any, are worth implementing? I've played a few flatland games and they are horrible grief-magnets.

    Edited by StackOverflow - Made code more readable.

    Posted 13 years ago

    4, I'm not so sure on. What if the guy in lead is an asshole? Same with 6.

    Posted 13 years ago

    4 should hopefully sort itself out by making people move off the team or off the server, and if the person in the lead is a griefer (however the hell that's possible), they will eventually leave. You actually need to exert some effort to get in the lead.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Guy-In-Lead ideas usually are un-supported by me.

    Like in IRC, i think 1 will solve the issues of 2. I do not agree with 2 because if i take the time to enter my tent, ALL my ammo should be topped off. Bad Apples should not reduce me to wasting 3 seconds reloading and another three on the resupply.

    Six, no. I disagree with entirely. I want the person to be doing some sort of wrong first. But i don't mind having a full-damage situation where i have to avoid shooting teamates. Maybe that can implement a karma system seen in Counter Strike where you can /y to forgive your killer and /n to down-vote them.
    The votekick duality system i think i can agree with, but often its the other team knowing i'm not an idiot that keeps griefs from kicking me before i kick them.

    Why IP ban a player from a team instead of a whole server? Honestly, that is what the server list is for i think. Not to sound aggressive.

    I disagree with 4 entirely, because greifers will readily defend their person to extend the life of grief. that and Assholes are in the lead all the time.

    I think that is the best i can do right now for explaining why.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Griefing has become more widespread again because there is no pyspades for the new netcode right now. We had fine administration tools - I could observe and ban 30+ griefers an hour - but they are unusable now. Serverbot is the only thing that works now and it does not run on Wine, thus the numerous Linux-based server operators have no options at all.

    If Ben added more administration tools to vanilla we wouldn't need to mess with game dynamics as much.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think you answered his question right then.

    Just a bit! hehe.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, i dont know about 4 and 6.

    i think just leaving it to voting is fine, and when the server adnim is on, they can take care of it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    4: just no. People with most points can just kick whoever gets close to them.
    6: no.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    I've played on PySpades with friendly fire toggled on (meaning you can always teamkill, regardless of where your target is or what he's doing), and I've found this out: Since the friendly fire allows trolls to run around their spawn spawnkilling teammates, and their name gets plastered up in the chat every time they do so, a whole load of people get really pissed really quickly. This results in a fast and effective votekick every time, generally within a minute or so of the troll joining.

    So friendly fire always being on isn't actually as bad an idea as it may sound. It distinguishes the trolls so much they get kicked with ease.

    Posted 13 years ago
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