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  • [MAP DOWNLOAD]NEW Minecraft converted cliff map


    Using the seed "ImpactCrater," I got this world. It's great for AoS gameplay, and when used in actual minecraft, has MASSIVE ore veins. Screenshot is included in the zip.

    Consists mostly of huge arches to the north, a valley to the east, a group of islands to the south, and a forest to the west.
    SECRET FOR PEOPLE READING THIS: The brown patch is my house, there is a cave entrace behind it, just dig 1 block into the rock wall.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Try posting pictures, then I'll consider downloading it. I don't want to download first, to see the screenshots.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Look pretty cool, I explored it a bit in Voxed. It's way too empty though, the only structure I found was a nether portal that you must have made while playing minecraft.
    Try adding at least 2 or 3 little towns in there, and add some boats and piers etc.

    Basically it needs some decoration.

    Posted 13 years ago

    can anyone make a video in it... or make a server whit this map?

    Posted 13 years ago


    pix for clix?

    P.S. Kanye, it's MEANT to be empty. The idea was CLIFFS, FORESTS, OCEAN, PLAINS, not tree, house, obvious base.

    It's like Make War servers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ah, I suppose I'm too used to seeing maps with pre-built stuff in them lol. If the point of this is just to be like a randomly generated map, except better, than you did good! I'll play on it if somebody hosts.

    Posted 13 years ago
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