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  • To those complaining about SMG recoil (and everyone else)...
  • 12

    ...how many of you have ever shot a REAL gun, in particular a machine gun?

    They have recoil. It can be pretty hard to control with an SMG or LMG. In fact, it would probably knock a lot of you twelve-year-olds right over and turn your shoulder a bunch of pretty colors.

    (for the record, I've shot lots of real guns. My personal record's an M2 Browning, and I have to say it was awesome).

    Posted 13 years ago

    This man wins an internet.

    Real guns always pack more recoil than their video game counterparts.

    Everyone's too used to cawwadoody.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Spengbab: Amen. I recommend all you would-be real-life marksmen out there start out with bolt-action .22 rifles and work your way up. I'll respect your manhood (or just general coolness in the case of Lexsym, Kaede-Chan, and the other female AoS fans out there) once you can handle a 12-gauge or a .30 06 with a 165-grain round.

    Actually, I still fire bolt-action .22s a lot. They're simple, smooth, easy-to-use, and you can use them all day long without your shoulder getting sore. They're great for practicing your marksmanship.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have only fired a 9mm Glock and .22 long rifle. the smg does not piss me off because of recoil its because of the friken damage. Although the head damage is correct as standard millitary helmets can withstand 9mm rounds which are fired from the mp5 which is the smg model in the game, the damage should be higher to the body.

    Posted 13 years ago

    We don't care about real life... AoS is not a realistic game.
    Just make the SMG easier to use please.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    In my opinion, the SMG is too easy to use as it is.

    I prefered the even-less-accurate 0.53 leaked SMG version, myself. It was far better-balanced.

    By the way Devas, you never told us whether or not you've fired a real gun before.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's not relevant to me, since I said that realism isn't/shouldn't be a factor.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    hmm, a better question is how many of you here have managed to fit 50 bricks the size of a cat, a spade, a pickaxe, 2 nades, and a gun of your choice in your pocket? thats when the rl comparisons should stop, this is a game. likewise if we wanted to get real why no damage over time from blood loss? why no dizziness?

    all i want for my birthday ben is the old accuracy of the rifle back, then everything is fine.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    While I do agree that realism is absent from AoS in many other ways, I still think that at least some semblance of realism should be applied to the gun mechanics.

    The whole reason I stuck with this game in the first place was that I liked the rifle mechanics... gone were the spray-and-pray kiddies found in other shooters. I had found a game where taking time to aim carefully, like you should with a real rifle, was rewarding. Running around blazing away would get you destroyed by the cool, collected marksmen who would be happy to shine some light on the interior of your skull by adding some windows to your helmet.

    Now, however, the combination of a reasonably accurate SMG and an unreasonably innacurate rifle has made blazing away carelessly more rewarding than taking the time to aim shots that won't fly true anyways.

    Sorry Devas... I like the recoil. It's a realistic gun mechanic, therefore I like it. The SMG's recoil is fine how it is, and the only thing I really want changed is the same thing Fluttershy wants... the old rifle mechanics.

    By the way, is anyone else getting the impression that Devas hasn't fired a real gun before?

    Seriously Devas, you should see if you can find a way to own your own rifle, or at least fire one sometime. Good luck with that if you're in Europe, but you should still take the time to try to figure out if there's a way you can.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The old rifle accuracy would be nice, but i understand why it was nerfed.
    The SMG seems if anything, too accurate. I would prefer more ammo over less recoil or better accuracy.
    I've spent quite a lot of time shooting guns and 1337101's point is valid, but this IS still a game.
    It's not perfect, but for the first official release, I like it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Bloodlvst: You understand why it was nerfed? I'm afraid I don't. Could you explain, please?

    Posted 13 years ago

    because it was 100% accurate... and that can be bad in FPS games.
    Don't get me wrong, I loved landing 30 headshots at the edge of the fog without fail but there should be some kind of spread on the bullet.
    Its just not natural for any projectile to go perfectly straight all the time.
    I can only speak for myself, but I still do very well even with the cone shot. (Though I't would be nice to have it reduced ever so slightly, or at least have the crosshair problem fixed.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Never fired a gun wish I could cause i'm only 14, really don't complain about the smg but other stuff... The smg and the rifle are fine to me wish I could fire guns.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And while you're at it, how about limiting rifle shots to 1 before you lose your grip or get pushed back a few blocks everytime you shoot?
    Besides that, legally shooting guns doesn't make you manlier than anyone else.

    Also: I can understand why you'd want to brag here and want guns to be more realistic, but people here want to play a game, not shoot real guns. That's why the SMG should be more practical.

    The SMG sucks anyways and only griefers use it, so why not just make the rifle as accurate as it was before?

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Bloodlvst: Actually, at that sort of range the rifles themselves should be able to hit a flea. The fog is inside of 100 yards, and most rifles (particularly WWI and WWII-era infantry rifles which the default rifle resembles quite strongly) are pin-point accurate at that sort of range.

    I suppose a bit of innacuracy to simulate user-related problems (the left arm being less than perfectly steady, etc) would be realistic, but they should be a lot less than they are now. I can see a shot aimed at the side of someone's head missing, but if I aim dead between the eyes I'd hit the guy in real life (no, I've never shot anybody... but I know the size targets I can hit at different ranges. A head-sized target and 100 yards is easy stuff), and it should probably be that way in-game.

    Perhaps the rifle should be more accurate when crouched (most rifle-users find it to be that way in real life, myself included), but even standing and sighting the rifle should be more accurate than it is now.

    @Percy: Well, see if local laws and your parents will let you fire guns (hint: don't try to get your hands on an SMG. Single-shot and semiautomatic rifles are generally the least legally complex to use. Gun laws are easier in the US than in Europe).

    Posted 13 years ago

    It doesn't hurt to have experience with guns when playing an FPS, or making an opinion about the way its made.
    And legal or not, shooting REAL guns is at least manlier than playing pewpewpew. (However, I love this game XD)

    "Perhaps the rifle should be more accurate when crouched (most rifle-users find it to be that way in real life, myself included)"
    >That, is a good idea

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Devas: About the rifle accuracy, got me. I want the old accuracy back as well. Your idea about not being able to sustain fire with the rifle is pretty good, actually. I think it would actually be more realistic if the rifle went to a semi-automatic. The automatic fire is totally pointless to me anyways, especially now that we have an SMG.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Everyone knows that this is an acurate representation of real war... Just like Modern Warfare and Black ops.

    Posted 13 years ago



    Posted 13 years ago

    @Mastur_Grunt: I'm going to operate on the assumption that you're being sarcastic, in which case my response is that I want AoS to be BETTER than CoD (it already is, but it's gone downhill slightly). I think that one way to stay better than CoD is make sure the gun mechanics make most mainstream shooters look rather silly (the old rifle mechanics were a prime example of this, actually. The best I've seen in any shooter, IMHO).

    Posted 13 years ago

    my brothers in the army so i actually have witnessed and fire a 50 .cal AND NO i am not a 12 year old. my arm was disabled for a few days. the stock does nothing :(

    Posted 13 years ago

    Okay i want to know why everyone hates on COD don't say because it is unrealistic, don't hate on me please because everyone is just so hateful on it watch this video and don't say it is not nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEut-HtAWqg

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lmao @ troll

    Posted 13 years ago

    ...I'm not even going to follow that link. I'm nowhere near that gullible.

    @Paperbox: That's pretty cool. Thank your brother for serving his country for me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Posted 13 years ago

    and then you call me a troll :(

    Posted 13 years ago

    Not you percy.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree, and to all the people saying that it doesn't matter about realism, I agree as well. What DOES matter is whether the game is fun or not, and I don't think the idea of 32 people running around with fully automatic perfectly accurate weapons sounds very fun. The SMG is fine as is, it does its job of being a CLOSE-QUARTERS weapon just fine.

    C-C-Comrade FSM
    Posted 13 years ago

    So the computer game HAS to be realistic

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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