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  • Router crashes when joining certain servers

    I'm not sure what it is, because ANY other game I've ever played online (Which is A LOT) has not done this to me. When I join a majority of the servers this happens, certain servers have no issues at all. Can anyone give me some information on what they think may be causing it?

    Posted 13 years ago

    what happens when your router crashes?

    how many players are in the servers that cause it crash?

    does it happen when connecting to both vanilla and pyspades servers or only one or the other?

    did this happen in v0.52?

    my first guess is your router is overheating when receiving too much data at once (i.e. it's dying) but it's hard to say for sure without knowing more. restore defaults if it's overclocked at all. routers are too sensitive to be worth messing with, usually once something goes wrong other things start happening randomly that can't be explained. better to just replace it if you're sure it's the router that's acting up.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The same happened to me in the past, but I dismissed it and blamed it on my 3G being bad.
    My "connection status" stays as "connected", yet I can't load any webpage, etc, and end up getting ping timeouts from IRC/MSN, and have to reconnect. Sometimes, a simple reconnection attempt isn't enough to fix the problem.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago
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