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Just to get a conversation going, Many people are asking for a Bolt-Action rifle, with high damage and accuracy. What are your thoughts on this Request? |
#40974 0U7BR3AK Modder Posted 13 years ago |
Pretty sure we already have a bolt action rifle with high damage and accuracy |
#40976 MИЩa Touché Amoré Posted 13 years ago |
I just want the old semi back, with no hit spread. Either that, or have Mr. Aksoy code wind and shit into the game to make sniping hyper-realistic. |
#40977 Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん) Imageboard Moderator Posted 13 years ago |
Personally, i think that the current rifle should stay, but that we could add a more reliable Assault Rifle (Perhaps 3-burst, so that there is still a reason to use the SMG) But i would need suggestions to make it not too overpowered. There couldn't be crazy recoil, like the SMG, but there could be perhaps a damage reduction at range, and low ammo since it is a 3-burst, you won't be needing alot. The weapon will have to have to be 2-3 bursts to destroy one block, or else a 3-burst would be WAY too greifer-friendly. This idea came to my mind, mainly because i do make gun skins, and it would be cool to have more variety in what kind of gun you could have, without having 50 different guns. |
#40979 0U7BR3AK Modder Posted 13 years ago |
Normal rifle, definitely. Deuces don't care since they couldn't snipe for crap before 0.54 and so nothing changed for them, but for more skilled players it's annoying. I liked it a lot more when I didn't have to crouch and stand still while sniping. It's a blocky game goddammit, stuff like realism belongs in Arma or something. Also, server side hit detection at first looked like perfect improvement for game, but now I can only play on servers 500km from me and less. When I play on UK server for example, hit detection fucks everything up. And that's not only one random UK server, I literally can't play anywhere, but Polish and German servers. Game also lags significantly more, maybe SMG's fault. |
#40982 Drury Numbuh 27.5 Posted 13 years ago |
I'm with you on that, Drury. |
#40984 Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん) Imageboard Moderator Posted 13 years ago |
dinosaur mode :D |
#40986 PineApples The PineApples Posted 13 years ago |
Next topic: Equipement: Do you want sort of like the way you choose a weapon, aka on the screen you press 1-2 to choose your gun. Some people want an extra selection, for example to choose between a knife, a Grenade and maybe a pistol. If a pistol were to be implemented in the game, it would have to be extremely low damage, terrible range but not alot of recoil, because that would be hard to kill someone who has an smg in a tunnel, walking back to base for ammo. it would need to be fast-firing, but with a delay between shots so that people will not use modds(Seriously i have a program called joytokey so that i can use my xbox360 controller to play, and one of the settings is to have a continuous mouse click going from 0-30 clicks per second i mean WOW) |
#40987 0U7BR3AK Modder Posted 13 years ago |
Plus server-side hit verification (yes, verification, not detection) doesn't remove all the hacks from game, because almost in every one I'm playing, there is at least one infinite ammo hacker. Which is the most common hack. I'd like as a new feature now finally map resets, with a vote which appears at the end of the round: ''Do you want a map restart? Type /y to participiate'' or something like that. And then the weapons to drop for a minute maybe in death, which would be pick-able :) |
#40988 Monsteri Minion Posted 13 years ago |
What are your thoughts on equipement/3-burst weapons? |
#41006 0U7BR3AK Modder Posted 13 years ago |
All I really want, is for enemies to have a random chance of dropping small health (20, 30 health?) and ammo (20 for SMG?? 10 for semi??) pickups when you kill them. |
#41012 Kanye Hipster Posted 13 years ago |
What we need is a new pistol and a freaking FLAMETROWER. The bolt action is way to overpowered and the semi is just OK (tough it seems that its accurecy have been reduced in the 54 update, I had my scope point blanc on a blues head while he was not moving and still I missed him like 3 times -_-) . |
#41019 The Mighty Comrade Member Posted 13 years ago |
We don't need knives, we need pickaxe to hurt dudes. And we don't need flamethrower. I have no idea where you got that idea from (lol), but that weapon does not work with games like this. |
#41022 Drury Numbuh 27.5 Posted 13 years ago |
Maybe some vehicles ......like some kind of boats or just some choppas |
#41042 GeneralE Commander in Arms Posted 13 years ago |
1) Fixed lags |
#41063 Little.Kitten The Fluffy One Posted 13 years ago |
In order of importance: 1: Restore the rifle's accuracy. When sneaking through the enemy base, my life should depend on my skill at aiming alone, NOT some stupid luck based aiming cone. 2: Make the SMG's accuracy the same as the 0.54 rifle. That way you at least have a chance of landing your first shot on target. Offset any overpowering by tweaking the recoil into a steady upward movement, or NO recoil, but reduced power. Not to mention the current hip fire on the SMG is so bad it shouldn't even be in the game. Rifle hip fire accuracy all the way. 3: Reduce, but don't eliminate the SMG's griefing ability. Just three hits per block or so will make a world of difference. Players will have to actually aim at the blocks they want, and so maps won't look like a cheese grater 5 minutes after starting. 4: Server side Hit detection I haven't experienced this too badly but many have, and I've seen it too. One of the best features of AoS (and a virtually unique one at that) is that players from all over the world could play on the same servers and usually have a smooth game. SSHD has really disrupted that. 5: Pickaxe causes damage to enemy players For obvious reasons. I probably wouldn't use it, but it would satisfy those that would. People would stop asking for melee weapons, at least. 6: Make a different hit sound for SMG fire. That sickening thud works well for high power rifle rounds that could kill you in one shot, but when it sounds the same as an SMG hit it can be deceptive- you can think you're getting hit by 4 riflemen at once when it's just one guy with an SMG. So give it a distinctive sound so we can tell the difference and plan our defense accordingly. 7: Make the intel icon rotate again. It was... good? All I really want, is for enemies to have a random chance of dropping small health (20, 30 health?) and ammo (20 for SMG?? 10 for semi??) pickups when you kill them. Yeah I agree with this, especially if it's randomised, like Minecraft's animal item drops. It can give you just enough ammo to keep going, but it's only a short term solution. |
#41071 Beret Commando Posted 13 years ago |
And also I think SMG should have different tracer. Wouldn't be too hard to implement and would make game a bit more moddable. |
#41077 Drury Numbuh 27.5 Posted 13 years ago |
Yeah, that's a good idea too. |
#41090 Beret Commando Posted 13 years ago |
I agree with Beret. |
#41104 KomradeNameless backstabber Posted 13 years ago |
Beret has the right idea. |
#41158 asdfzxc Member Posted 13 years ago |
@Beret: Not sure how I feel about making the SMG more accurate and/or lower recoil. I think I actually prefered the really innacurate one from 0.53, I found it to be pretty well-balanced. Obviously you've had different results than I have, but based on the fact that a majority of the other players I've seen in-game have been using SMGs, I'd say the SMG is a little overpowered. That might stop if the accuracy stays the same and the rifle goes back to being realistically accurate instead of screwy like it is now, but I don't want or need the SMG to be any more accurate than it is at the moment. If it was, I could potentially snipe people all the way to fog, even on open water (the one environment that, for now, I'm no good at with the SMG and need a rifle unless the other guy also has an SMG... in which case generally neither of us can kill the other for a pretty long time). I do agree with everything else you said, though. Especially making the rifle pin-point accurate again... it's only realistic for a rifle to be accurate at that sort of range. The render distance is less than 100 yards. |
#41160 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
#41161 MegaDeuce This is not a title. Posted 13 years ago |
@1337101 Conclusion: You're full of crap. |
#41168 asdfzxc Member Posted 13 years ago |
Beret's right, any real rifle will be almost perfectly accurate at the AOS "fog distance" (100 yards? plz). If you went to the range any uncertainty would be from your own AimFail. Also, we can't have pick damage without shovel damage! Those things are like really short, dull swords on a stick. They should do 20-30 pts damage, at least. |
#41169 MegaDeuce This is not a title. Posted 13 years ago |
@asdfzxc: I'm not even going to respond to that trolling. |
#41171 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
I think that the SMG is pretty good already, but I agree with Beret on making it so the first shot at least lands where the iron sight is, or just very close, because sometimes it is kind of off. However, the recoil is fine, it is really not that uncontrollable. Also, about the ability to destroy things, I think it is actually good, but would probably fit better on a larger machine gun, if one ever gets added, which might not be a bad idea, if it is done well. I think the shovel doing 20-30 damage is alright, but it might be better if it is an instant kill from behind, just so you can actually sneak up on people without having to shoot. I am not sure what I really want in the next version, I guess bug fixes are fine, maybe melee damage if it is optimal at this time |
#41173 Priok Spectonaut Posted 13 years ago |
If you want to talk specific damage values for the tools, I'd say make the shovel as damaging as the rifle and the pick as damaging as the SMG. The numbers might need some tweaking later on, but those values occur to me as a good starting point. |
#41175 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
@Kaede-chan post #40977 @Drury post #40982 @PineApples @0U7BR3AK post #40987 @Monsteri @0U7BR3AK post #41006 @Kanye @The Mighty Comrade @General Eisenhower @Beret post #41071 @Drury post #41077 Oh, and something that I noticed, can we make it so that there's no grass and dirt like minecraft? like when you put a block on the "grass" you know and you take it off, there's "dirt"? Well that just looks really bad on the maps. All you see is splotches of brown on the grass. If we just take that off the maps will look just nicer. So this post is probably long enough, i might have more to say later XD |
#41177 ch1k3n123 Member Posted 13 years ago |
@ch1k3n123: The reason for the dirt effect is that the voxel engine saves on memory and CPU by "forgetting" about completely surrounded voxels, since there's no way for a player to interact with them directly. Making the engine remember these voxels will slow the game down. |
#41179 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
Im liking the Idea of after you kill some one they drop health/ammo. The pic axe doing damage sounds like a good idea aswell. The bolt action with high damage sounds good. But it would have to be really high damage, like almost a 1 hit K.O. and putting a scope on that bad boy would b nice to, where you can see further distances. |
#41180 hazard Member Posted 13 years ago |
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