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  • Griefing/racial intolerance in Pinpoint
  • 124

    I was playing on Pinpoint earlier, when I decided to build a swastika. Now I know what you're all thinking, but the swastika is a symbol used in Buddhism for peace and good luck, which I explained several times in chat.

    Yet still, I had players like A_Gun, yourself., and Coelacanth coming up and destroying my structure, and placing random blocks over it. I tried to tell them to quit, but they kept arguing that I was a "stupid Nazi". I tried to votekick them for griefing, but no one would, they even argued that I was griefing by building it.

    They insistently demanded that I'm a Nazi, despite having to proof, and they said that I was a terrible person. I then asked if I destroyed someone's cross, if I would get kicked, and most claimed it would upset them.

    So what is it about me and my beliefs that they all hate? And why is it that when I get griefed, no one ever cares?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Im pretty sure the good luck symbol is the swastika backwards.

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    No, that's the sauwastika, another Buddhist symbol.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Reuben, most of the AOS community is completely immature and they have no sense of fairness or justice, and they have no acceptance of other cultures (and are not willing to learn about them)

    I remember people (my own team mates!) griefing the swastika that I built as a symbol of good luck, and the admins not caring, then banning me right away when I tried to put some blocks over some fortifications to reinforce them because "hurr u griefeds and r tryin to annoys us", according to hompy on Sham's server.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    No love for the Nazi's D:.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ive didnt readed but adof_hitler you can kill'em all everybody hate'em

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Devas: Fuck Sham's. I got banned yesterday for doing absolutely nothing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow, that's so disgusting, Reuben.
    I decided to stop going there a few weeks ago and spoke to Sham about it for the same reasons. There are some crazy remote admins there...

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    In some places you get arrested for saying your a Nazi, your lucky your an American who is allowed to have a opinion

    Posted 13 years ago

    Why do you assume that everyone else is american here?
    And why would anyone claim that he's a nazi?
    I fear for your sanity and well-being, Percy...

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    ... I know most of things you stated I'm just saying making a swastika.... nevermind.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just because Hitler used the swastika doesn't mean he made it.

    And it just happened to me again. Some griefers struck, and no one did a thing about it.

    Posted 13 years ago


    And tell that nigga Sham to fix his server; lags like fucking hell.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't understand what racial intolerance has to do with what you posted.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have this same problem. It pisses me off so much. I mean even if we were building swastikas, people don't need to get so offended and grief them.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    How bout we go shit up a server or something?

    Jk. But yeah, I know that feel.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's why I retaliate when people grief me. If they grief me and don't get kicked, I grief them. Or follow them around and put blocks on their head as punishment. A lot of the time it glitches them out of the server. Griefing bastards.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Galaxy: His server is shit, honestly. It's some kind of build server, and there's giant brony pixel art. Also, you need to join our website, pomf.tk

    @Danke: It has to do with how my rights as a Buddhist were infringed upon, just because of misuse of one of our symbols.

    @artificialbox: One of them had the nerve to say that it's not griefing because it's "for a cause". I then took that as cause to destroy their bunker.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Buddhism isn't a race.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate when people grief stuff and claim that we were griefing by building it. But don't hurt Sham! It's just that fags join his server and take over. Also Hitler (not Adolf_Hitler) became a new admin, and fixed up some stuff.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's just a swastika... Why can't people just grow up??? Like for instance when I was in my local bank yesterday I punched this Jew teller in his big Jew nose. Cops were called in and I was arrested for battery but I was just expressing myself? I tried to explain to them about the nefarious Jew schemes but they wouldn't have any of it. Can't a man like me get a break??? Sheesh....

    Posted 13 years ago

    @YourMom: Ah. And yeah, I hate that.

    @Jerk: Tell me about it. :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lol jerk

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    @ReubenMcHawk: Hey wait, aren't you in POMF? I thought you guys were all about eliminating the "building" aspect of ace of spades as much as possible.

    Posted 13 years ago

    lol hitler is stupid

    Posted 13 years ago

    While there was nothing wrong with that symbol, building things that are useless to the team is considered griefing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ bullshit.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    Im a boss

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Tocksman: They aren't so much about eliminating the building aspect as much as they are about eliminating the aspies that do nothing but build worthless structures that help nobody, effectively wasting team space that could have been spent on someone that actually wants to play the game it was meant to be played.

    Read: Building giant castles on the edge of the map that don't really help either team.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    We know boss we all know..

    Posted 13 years ago
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