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  • Scroll wheel is all backwards

    Maybe I'm alone in this, but I suspect not.

    The scroll wheel is all wrong. From left to right, the items are:

    1. Shovel
    2. Pick
    3. Block
    4. Rifle
    5. Grenade

    When I have a block selected, and I scroll down, I expect it to go down on the list: From 3 to 4, from Block to Rifle. It does not.

    It's a very small thing, but this is pretty much universal in every FPS, and it's pretty jarring for a while, at least.

    Posted 13 years ago

    While this has a low priority, I agree that it should be fixed. (Unless it was intentional.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    You're probably just used to MC.
    If you look at it from an inverted point of view it's actually right.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @megamannt125: The game doesn't use look inversion, I think it therefore follows that your argument doesn't apply.

    But really, why the backwards scroll? All that's going to do is cause players to have to get used to it and then they're gonna mess up in other games.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yup, pretty much every game has opposite controls. This is one (and only)(not counting hackers, but they don't even deserve forum space) thing I really hate about this game.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago
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