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  • Ben must do something about this.

    This game is in DESPERATE need of an anti-griefing system. Literally each and every server I join, I can't make a simple wall defense without it being griefed. There is literally no point in having the building aspect of the game without a system to prevent those motherfuckers that have no life from not letting others play the game it's meant to be played.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Teamattack on players who recently destroyed blocks

    Go build your autistic castle somewhere else

    Posted 13 years ago

    > I can't make a simple wall defense without it being griefed
    > Go build your autistic castle somewhere else

    Votekick takes sometimes ages to pass and teamkills only slow the griefer down. Placing a block in their head works pretty well on noob griefers though.

    Pyspades seems to make moderating easier so you might wanna play on a server which uses it (and has active admins)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have an idea, make a block that's invincible to other people but not the user. And if the creator is kicked all of his invinci-blocks will go away

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. Build a shitty unnecessary autist wall
    2. Watch it being griefed
    3. Attempt votekick
    4. Votekick timeout
    5. Bawww to admin
    6. ???
    7. Profit

    Posted 13 years ago

    any good structure will inevitably be destroyed because of a horde of griefers (we're persistent) or the opposite team (which, mind you, is NOT griefing). You can't protect the structure nor can i grief all day either (unless you have no life.)

    So, the only good way to never have your structure griefed ever in the history of days and weeks before a server reset is:
    1. Build Server.
    2. Minecraft.
    3. Build Server.
    4. Normal server (actually a disguised build server) with an Admin that is there 24/7 365 (no life) that you can beg to so that your precious structure in A1 is not griefed.
    5. Build Server.

    Just votekick. If no one cares, that's your problem, not mine. Sorry if it times out. Would you like a new votekicking system that allows only 1/8 (4 people of a full server) of the server to be able to kick one person? That definitely will never be abused ever in the history of the game.

    Or Teamkill. Sorry if your aiming sucks so bad that eventually your structure is taken down anyways. Not my problem either.

    Posted 13 years ago
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