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  • Nowa90's First Mod Pack

    This is basically a "super" mod pack, some things original and some things are edited from other great members of the site. I'd love to give credit to them, but I honestly don't remember the names.
    The ACR semi sight sucks ace I know, so if someone wants to give me one thatd be great.

    Any comments/concerns?
    Pictures are within each folder.

    ACR sight
    ACR (also comes without RDS)
    Hunting Rifle
    WW2 scope, Mosin Nagant style

    Posted 13 years ago

    Looking good :D

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    Err, I think you mean 'Barrett', as your rifle looks similar to the Light 50 M82 .50 BMG - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrett_Firearms_Manufacturing

    And Berreta are the itallian firm who make the M9/ 92FS, Primarily a hand gun producuder, But enough of the lecture.

    The models are good, I personally don't like the 3 voxel wide Butt, but they look at a decent standard. ACR Sight could do with a bit of work, I know it's fucking awkward as hell to make them, But all mine are just printscreens looking down the gun in slab6, remove the background and add bits and pieces to it until it looks like the real one. ACR shouldn't be that difficult actually, go and try ;)

    Other than my constructive criticism, It's awesome. I do like that Mosin Nagant sight, Very detailed and clean looking.

    Good Luck man!

    7.62 FTW
    Posted 13 years ago

    Darn, and it wont let me edit the post anymore :\

    I'll make a green camo skin for the ACR is enough people want it....And am most defiantly going to make a better ACR sight.

    Posted 13 years ago
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