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    Been doing that, with the burst. No matter what, it's still not more effective at any range than the rifle.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 12 years ago

    Since you've been speaking of versatility so much in this post, I've an idea from that.

    Instead of removing classes and giving everyone the ability to choose in the midst of the game, why not give everyone a second weapon that can do both what the SMG can and what the semi can do, although not as well? I'm saying that this game would do well with a sidearm. Imagine everyone having either a semi or an smg, but also a pistol to the side. With the pistol, semi users get a better chance at close range, and SMG users get a better chance at long range.

    Posted 12 years ago

    @Beret: I can honestly say that I can understand why you'd want to remove the classes, but I cannot relate nor do I truly comprehend it. Sorry mate. :/

    @Mega: You're not the only one who can't kill someone with the SMG without losing a substantial amount of life.

    @Kaede: If nothing else, the SMG is an ambush weapon. Never meant for field battles.

    @Furii: I have to say that I'd agree with you. A sidearm that's the middle road between the Semi and the SMG would be good.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 12 years ago

    why not give everyone a second weapon that can do both what the SMG can and what the semi can do, although not as well?

    You know furii, I read that and thought you were about to suggest an assault rifle. Which by the way, I would welcome into the game. It would work just as fine without classes as it would with them.

    Fair enough Joseph- I can relate to what you're saying since I'm in the same boat going the other way- I can't comprehend why players would reject it if it doesn't disrupt their style of play- or even affect it. But perhaps we're just coming at it from different backgrounds or something?

    Posted 12 years ago

    for the mounted machine gun idea i think the best way to counter its distructive capabilities is to introduce concrete blocks, or a type of block that are much harder to destroy than a normal block.

    my idea for a concrete block is one that is resistant to: gunfire, and shovels, only a pick or possibly a grenade or mortar (if they're added) can destroy it. however it would somehow take longer for its to "set" or "harden" meaning that it cannot be built "on-the-fly",

    Posted 12 years ago

    There's so much support for concrete blocks it's amazing, but I can't help wondering if it would just destroy a player's ability to sap the enemy structures. A well defended intel cube (where the intel is surrounded by a cube of blocks) is almost impossible enough as it is to get into. Introduce the ability to create whole structures out of concrete and it would more or less break the entire game.

    We really need some barbed wire blocks though. With barbed wire come traps, and with it a whole new dimension to the game.

    Posted 12 years ago

    can barbed wire be destroyed? like a few picks and just walk through? :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 12 years ago

    I don't see why not: Grenades especially should be able to clear them out.

    Much like actual barbed wire, the real problem with dealing with the wire is the sound you make when getting rid of it.

    Posted 12 years ago

    How about a class that has no blocks, but a machine gun with good accuracy and the SMG rate of fire, but can only be deployed by right clicking a redblock (it then locks itself on the redblock until you right click again) you still have a SMG or maybe a new pistol. But this weapon is powerful when used on a defensive position.

    Posted 12 years ago

    @Beret: With regards to why I reject the idea of no classes, I can honestly say that I find it unnecessary/superfluous, no offense. It's probably due to us having different play-styles and different points of view. As for the mounted machine gun, why not just increase the HP of the standard blocks/ nerf bullet damage vs blocks? (Give or take 5 - 8 rifle shots to destroy a single block)

    The assault rifle sounds like a nice idea, hits harder and has slightly better accuracy than the SMG at the expense of rate of fire.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 12 years ago
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