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  • What Do you want added ace of spades in the future???
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    This is a topic about what you want added to 5.5...

    I want a bigger arsenal, stuff like...

    TNT class replaces grenades (cant be thrown)

    Sniper class bolt action :)

    Option for servers to go creative

    melee weapon (or shovel and pic axe can do damage)

    Possible Open source content so the community can make the own game modes like zombies

    builder class more blocks

    different biome terrain gens

    possible vehicles like boats and tanks ???

    trench gun ???

    statistics system

    window version of the game ???

    Posted 13 years ago

    Costum skin & guns for each players.


    Posted 13 years ago

    change-able controls and game modes

    The Man
    Posted 13 years ago

    four words faster running and KNIFE

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ ninja...
    ...are you a COD fan? cause if you are ill have to shoot you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Traps would be interesting. To facilitate that trend, TNT is a great idea (or timed bombs, etc.) This also helps with netcode. Another idea would be mortars, or grenade launchers. Again, the netcode works better with fire/respond mechanics, especially when dealing with weapons that might be considered over powered. What about NUKES? Before anything complex can be added there would need to be an underlying system of reward (ala World in Conflict?) It's probably too early to decide.

    Air vehicles? This might work? At least it's an attempt, and voxels might lend to some interesting combat dynamics!

    How about the builders? A lot of ideas about "builder blocks" on the forums. I think this is a good parallel direction for the game, as long as there is balance on the offensive (blues, darkside, horde, etc.) Most interesting was a "barbed wire" idea. Personally, I would appreciate the ability to build in chunks. Perhaps 2x2, entire prebuilt bunkers or walls? etc. This may be more complicated than I imagine, but it would be nice to see the creative side balance out.

    I would like to see a few of the serve mods implremented. Squads is kinda nice (if not abused?) and airstrikes are great. Too weird for mass appeal, but has potential.

    Of course, I would always like to hit someone with a shovel. MANY times I have found myself, dick-in-hand with only a shovel to defend myself, point blank. What a re-re dance that was. And ya know... it's happened many times.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Noobtubes and killstreaks, then we assault rifle (it would have no recoil), um yea killstreaks can be CHOPER GUNER and ATTACK DOGGIES.. and we also need game modes like domination !!! and sniper rifle! like intervention! we also need claymores and semtexes

    then the game's perfect!!

    ..Not really. I would be happy with a trap of some sort too :P

    Posted 13 years ago


    im sorry to do this but. i would like you to stand there. yes, there. *opens trapdoor*

    Posted 13 years ago


    Anyways, traps would be really nice, they could be activated by clicking a button or just when someone steps on it :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Full open source, it will solve all problems(minecraft's experience proves it)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Full open source would provide a gateway to cracking and malicious modification as well.

    Having a registration with "trusted" users (Such as Matt and Lexsym, both developers of useful third-party tools) who have access to the source might be nice, but I don't think this game is quite ready for a completely open source. There have been nasty problems in the past, such as the 4chan skiddies (and probably a fair number of skiddies from other places as well) screwing around with the serverlist, and the earlier massive problems with hacking (and the more recent speedhacking and foghacking issues), show that there are lots of people out there that can't be trusted with AoS at all. There's serious negative potential if they can start nosing around in the code.

    Posted 13 years ago

    A lot of speedhackers get kicked right away, or atleast psyspades says they are.

    I want: Sprint (50% faster, cant auto climb though - should be easy, as shift already makes it half the speed, so Ben could just change the - to a + in the code)
    Med kits that heal 33HP, and cant be used on teammates to avoid camp boosting and all those problems, probably 2 per person, replaces nades
    Some public announcements on whats next on updates
    Fix the iron sight issure where the middle lin disapears...
    Co-ordinates on the mini map
    A bolt action rifle, 1 round clip, 5 block longer range down sights, 50 damage anywhereand 100 to the head, 99% accuracy, then make the semi a bit more inacurate to avoid those near-fog-headshots that DO happen time to time.

    TNT or a charge would be cool, and could only be used withthe smg?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want a grappling hook.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Sprinting is unrealistic. Consider the following:

    -one block is 2 ft wide
    -one block is 8 cubic feet
    -the average density of dirt is 120 pounds per cubic foot
    -each block weighs 960 pounds
    -50 blocks weigh 48,000 pounds, about the same as the carrying capacity of the space shuttle.

    If you try running while carrying all that crap you might pull something.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    @MaggotHATE Minecraft is closed-source.

    Open-source has pros and cons. Anyone can modify it, anyone can see any exploits which can get them fixed quicker. But as for the main reason open-source was mentioned, there's always the chance for an API. I wouldn't count on something like this happening anytime soon, if at all, but it is a possibility. If/when the game matures to a very stable state Ben could implement a sort of API (whether private/public would be up to him) to allow developers to make add-ons for the game. Obviously it's a huge security risk, hence why it's not often games allow such a thing, at least not publicly. Only time will tell though.

    I personally think custom control binding would be nice. I started working on it a while back but eventually dropped it. (it was half working in older versions of Spadille)

    I also think there should be separate skins for different player team skins. I'm not a modder myself, but I hear this a lot and can see it's usefulness.

    Later on down the road, server-side mods would be great for hosting "themed" maps, in which everyone uses the same mods as everyone else at the host's discretion.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Remappable keys are something that needs to be added.. I'm pretty happy with the current controls, but it's understandable that not everyone agrees with me. Giving them the option to remap would be nice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    anti-tank rifles and helicopters

    Posted 13 years ago

    i want everything you say.. i mean... those things you want.. :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    A magical sword and an army of manbearpigs. Also: Noobtubes, claymores, marathon pro, nuke, burst-fire Famas, and other CoD stuff everybody hates.


    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Flak jacket Pro
    Fuck the napalm

    Posted 13 years ago

    A pistol maybe? It has infinite ammo, but 2 damage per shot (4 for a headshot), little to no recoil, 15 ammo per clip, no ironsight/scope, bad acuracy regardless, and cant brake blocks. It can be used no matter what gun you pick (mostlikely going to be used if you run out of ammo with your regular gun.)

    Maybe a Sniper Rifle? It is one of the main guns you use. It shoots 20 blocks farther then other guns, only has 40 total ammo, 5 ammo per clip, really slow, extremly good accuracy, does 100 damage for headshots and 55 damage for regular shots.
    Sorry for the long post.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The ability to edit previous posts, so we can update klan threads, for instance.

    - D.E

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Being able to set up MG positions for suppressing fire would be pretty cool.

    That and a squad system similar to Bad Company, where you would get put in a open squad of four players, and when you die you get to pick who to spawn on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @StackOverflow, oh sorry, I didn't know.
    Also. Maybe realism like walk-run-bobbing, breathing while aim, focus, etc.
    If not open source, then fixed ways of making mods?

    Posted 13 years ago

    server-side mods would be awesome

    right now what i want most is melee damage, preferably for the pickaxe

    next i want more control for server admins, e.g. in-game kick and ban

    then map resets

    Posted 13 years ago

    BAYONETS !!!!!!!! :D :D
    and on a further note DINOSAURS!!!!!!! :D :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    I want other people to see your active mods when you are playing. If someone modded their gun to look like a pistol, then everyone would be see the pistol from their side of the screen, instead of just the modifier.

    Pvt Ryan
    Gold Member
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    i want a real life squad of mercenaries who would find and eliminate griefers. i mean, jesus christ, it's getting ridiculous..

    I really enjoy the game but.. i dont know..

    Posted 13 years ago
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