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  • Displaying deaths

    Hey guys first of all let me say i really enjoy AoS and i understand that they game's simplicity is one of its strong points but i still believe there is room for more features that could make this a better, well rounded game.

    I did a quick search and couldn't find much on this topic but i was wondering why the number of deaths aren't displayed near the number of kills or in some other manner in the interface? Displaying just a player's kills is a bad indication of their skill level as they may have been on the server for hours.

    If the deaths were displayed as well the Player and other players could easily guage their skill level. This goes hand in hand with a kill/death ratio that many FPSs have implemented over the years. Another option could be to list the players kills per minute. so if a player was on a server for an hour and they accumulated 120 kills they would have 2kpm (kills per minute.

    I know this is a CTF style game but i reckon this simple addition would increase competitiveness tenfold.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Right, because we really need to show how many deaths that builder has. i dont like the idea of showing the K/D, the point system we have now is fine, and when you die for simply changing weapons or teamss itll get biased rather quickly. plus it wont be a true indication of how valuable the character is in the battle.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    well why show the number of kills at all?

    "Right, because we really need to show how many deaths that builder has"

    well thats the point of a KD ratio, a builder is likely to have a lot less kills than some rambo player that flanks into enemy territory but he also wont have nearly as many deaths taking into consideration that most of the building is done near your spawn, intel, or an area of the map that your team has under control.

    Anyway that's beside the point. A builder forfeits competitiveness (on a personal level anyway) when they decide to start building. They are unlikely to care that their k/d's are low anyway

    "plus it wont be a true indication of how valuable the character is in the battle."

    In terms of combat it most certainly will...

    Posted 13 years ago

    no no no, thats not a builder, thats a retard thats just doing nothing (only exception is if theyre making a spider cage for intel but i havent seen a good one in awhile). most GOOD Building consists of walls and other fortifications in key points. such as popular hallways.

    you still havent addressed my point on how 'self kills' will contribute to this.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd actually like to have some simple statistics tracking if and when we get registration (total kills, total deaths, overall K/D ratio, total blocks placed, total blocks destroyed, etc). Obviously a useful builder would have a lower K/D ratio (despite actually being pretty helpful to the team he or she is on), but with a bit of caution you can avoid getting totally slaughtered.

    There are a few things that shouldn't count towards the K/D ratio. Voluntarily respawning in any way (changing teams and weapons) shouldn't be counted as a death, but grenade-suicide should. Falls to your death should probably also count against that, but possibly not (after all, you don't get credit for a kill when you scare someone else off of a cliff and they fall to their death, which I've done before).

    Posted 13 years ago

    this is stupid, the game doesnt need it. Theres many facotrs like laggs, suicides, wepaon changes, spawn camping, this isnt COD people.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'll give you a +1 just for using the search bar.

    I'm in favour. As long as another stat along the lines of blocks dug/placed got introduced as well to satisfy the builders and diggers, it would really sort out who had just been on for ages, and who was actually good.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Plus, if you could look up the stats in-game, it'd make things really easy for administrators. If someone's profile showed low kills, low block placement, a high number of blocks destroyed, and a high number of times teamkilled (teamkills shouldn't count against K/D in my opinion, but should be recorded), the adminstrator would be able to kick that player with a lot more certainty when someone accuses them of griefing.

    Conversely, when someone's profile shows a high amount of kills, a moderate amount of deaths, a reasonable amount of blocks placed and destroyed, and a low amount of teamkills, an administrator can look that up and conclude that the player is probably an experienced and legitimate player, and be less likely to kick wrongfully when the player in question is accused of hacking (although most hack accusations should be disbelieved anyways) or griefing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah if it does say your deaths,it should be on a profile cuz you've probaly died more than you've lived,I know I have.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago
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